Campus & Community
Information Technology Services, Department of Public Safety Investigating Feb. 17 ‘Zoombombing’ Incident
Syracuse University’s Information Technology Services (ITS) and the Department of Public Safety are investigating a reported “Zoombombing” incident that occurred on Wednesday, Feb. 17, during a virtual meeting of a student organization. A participant reported that an unknown individual hacked…
Syracuse ROTC Cadets Get First Opportunity to Attend Special Operations Civil Affairs Branch Assessment and Selection Course
Syracuse University Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Cadets Madeleine Gordon and Patrick Little became the first cadets from any ROTC college program to attend the U.S. Army Special Operations Civil Affairs Assessment and Selection Course (CAAS) in December 2020….
Message from Chancellor Kent Syverud
Dear Members of the Orange Community: We are not yet two weeks into the spring semester, and we already find ourselves approaching the threshold of 100 positive COVID-19 cases in a two-week period. When and if we do, the University…
Chandice Haste-Jackson Appointed Interim Director of First-Year Seminar Program
Chandice Haste-Jackson, associate teaching professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Science in the Falk College, has been appointed interim director of the First-Year Seminar course, effective Feb. 1, 2021. The First-Year Seminar course is part of a…
University Lectures Season Continues on Feb. 23 With Misty Copeland
The University Lectures continues its 20th season this spring on Tuesday, Feb. 23, with Misty Copeland, principal dancer with the American Ballet Theater. Syracuse University’s premier speaker series, the University Lectures, brings to Syracuse University audience members and the larger…
Faculty Invited to Provide Input on Faculty Information System Vendors
Over the course of the Spring 2021 term, Syracuse University will review and adopt an electronic portfolio or Faculty Information System (FIS) for full-time faculty. This system will enable capturing details about faculty activities in research and creative activities, teaching…
Remitted Tuition Benefit Information Session to Be Held Feb. 22
The Office of Human Resources will hold a Remitted Tuition Benefit Information Session on Monday, Feb. 22, from 12:30-1:30 p.m. on Zoom. Experts from Human Resources, University College, the Bursar’s Office, Payroll and Financial Aid will be on hand during…
Nomination Deadline for Teaching Recognition Awards Extended to March 1
The Teaching Recognition Awards Program has extended the deadline for nominations to March 1, in recognition of the multiple demands faced by our campus community. The Teaching Recognition Awards Program is sponsored by the Meredith Professors to benefit non-tenured faculty members. Its…
University Monitoring Winter Weather and Travel Conditions for Tuesday, Feb. 16
Syracuse University continues to monitor weather conditions for today, Tuesday, Feb. 16. This effort includes reviewing the most up-to-date National Weather Service data and forecasting, and consulting with an independent meteorologist about what to expect. Based on current conditions, the…
Syracuse University Holds Inaugural Racial Equity Academic Symposium
Syracuse University will hold its inaugural Racial Equity Academic Symposium from Feb. 22-27. The symposium will be held virtually and will include a full schedule of events, including student and faculty scholarly research and creative works presentations, performances, events, workshops…