Campus & Community
Intra-University Transfer Fair Supports Evolving Student Success Goals
Connecting coursework to career goals is a major pillar of the student experience. Each student’s unique definition of success may evolve throughout time on campus and students may find themselves thinking of changing career goals, transferring to another Syracuse University…
Professor Emeritus Named Fellow of American Geophysical Union
Jeffrey A. Karson, professor emeritus of Earth and environmental sciences (EES) in the College of Arts and Sciences, has been elected as a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), an honor bestowed to fewer than 0.1% of members each…
Celebration of Life in Honor of Professor Sheldon Stone to Be Held Oct. 7
Syracuse University will hold a Celebration of Life service on Friday, Oct. 7 to honor the life and legacy of physics Professor Sheldon Stone. The ceremony is scheduled for 4 p.m. in Hendricks Chapel and can also be viewed online. It…
Emily Liu G’22 Hones Skills in Inclusive Education, Classroom Leadership at Jowonio School
The ink was barely dry on her master’s degree diploma when Emily Liu G’22 began prepping her new classroom at Bernice M. Wright School, an early childhood education program on the Syracuse University campus. Having graduated only a couple of…
Diana Garcia-Varo ’23 Showcases How Students Find Community During Latinx Hispanic Heritage Month
Leaving behind your hometown, friends and family to attend college can be a daunting task for any high school student. In the case of Diana Garcia-Varo ’23, when she decided to attend Syracuse University and study both psychology in the…
CLASS Workshops on Conquering Procrastination, Approaching Exams Mindfully Available in English and Mandarin
The Center for Learning and Student Success (CLASS) offers one-hour mindfulness workshops that can help students who are struggling with procrastination or looking to reduce stress before a big exam. Open to all students, sessions in both English and Mandarin…
Academic Strategic Plan Engagement and Feedback Opportunities: Week of Oct. 3
Academic Strategic Planning: Get Involved Today Welcome to the first week of October and the fourth week of Syracuse University’s academic strategic planning process. We have been so encouraged by the tremendous engagement of our campus community members. Hundreds of…
Celebrating LGBTQ+ History Month
This October, the campus community is invited to celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month. The University’s official kickoff is Monday, Oct. 3, in Schine Student Center 304 from 4 to 6 p.m. The LGBTQ Resource Center, along with students and campus partners,…
Campus Community Invited to Forum With Diversity and Inclusion Vice President Mary Grace A. Almandrez Oct. 4
Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion Mary Grace A. Almandrez will host a campus forum to share updates on campus diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) efforts. The event will be held Tuesday, Oct. 4, from 11:30 a.m. to 1…
Student Association Fall Elections Run Oct. 3-7
On campus, the Student Association (SA) serves as the University’s undergraduate student body government, and its elected leaders act as the representative voice for all undergraduate students. Their goal and primary focus? Striving to help make each student’s undergraduate experience…