Campus & Community
Applications Now Open for the 2023-24 University Art Museum Faculty Fellows
The Syracuse University Art Museum is accepting applications through April 14 for the second annual Faculty Fellows Program, hosted by the museum with support from the Office of Strategic Initiatives and the Office of Research in Academic Affairs. The program…
3rd Thonis Endowed Professorship Announced: The Multiplier Effect in Philanthropy
On the drive from his home in Wellesley, Massachusetts, to his alma mater in Syracuse, New York, Michael G. “Mike” Thonis ’72 says he counts rock formations, knows all their geological names and notices “as they suddenly become very dark…
Community Review Board Seeks Applications for New Members
Dear Fellow Students, Faculty and Staff: As I conclude my time as chair of the inaugural Community Review Board (CRB), I write to you today to invite members of our University community to apply to serve on the CRB. As…
Social Work Presents Social Justice Awards March 30
March is National Professional Social Work Month, and the School of Social Work in the Falk College is presenting its annual Dan and Mary Lou Rubenstein Social Justice Award program from 6:45-8 p.m. on Thursday, March 30 in Falk College…
Margaret ‘Peg’ Hermann, the Moynihan Institute’s Longtime Leader, Retires
The late U.S. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan once said, “If I were 26 again, I would be out in the world working with others on problems that no one country can solve on its own.” His words encapsulate the mission…
New Course-Tagging Tools Available to Assist With Undergraduate Course Selection
The Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Shared Competencies and the Office of Academic Affairs are now providing online tools to help undergraduate students make course selections according to the Shared Competencies offered by various courses. Among those tools are: A…
Lender Center for Social Justice Symposium, Supported by MetLife Foundation, Focuses on Racial Wealth Gap
What are the structural and systemic factors in American society that contribute to an ongoing and widening racial wealth gap? What steps can organizations take to identify those factors and intervene to minimize their impact on members of Black, Latinx,…
Lei Wang, Yousr Dhaouadi Take Awards in ‘Three Minute Thesis’ Graduate School Competition
Winners of the Three Minute Thesis® (3MT) competition have been announced by the Graduate School. 3MT is a research communication competition that challenges graduate and doctoral students to deliver a compelling oration on the nature, significance and interests of their…
Graduate School Names Excellence in Graduate Education Faculty Award Winners
Eight faculty members are recipients of 2023 Syracuse University Graduate School Excellence in Graduate Education Faculty Recognition Awards. The honor is presented to faculty members who have a significant, positive influence on graduate education through their commitment to superior graduate…
Michael Speaks Reappointed to 5-Year Term as Architecture Dean
Vice Chancellor, Provost and Chief Academic Officer Gretchen Ritter today announced that Michael A. Speaks, dean of the School of Architecture, has been reappointed to a five-year term as dean. Today’s announcement follows a comprehensive decanal review that took into…