Arts & Culture
Cherríe Moraga to Serve as Watson Distinguished Visiting Professor Feb. 20-March 3
Cherríe Moraga—a prominent figure in Chicana, feminist, queer and indigenous activism, art and scholarship—is participating in a two-week residency at the University. Moraga is this year’s Jeannette K. Watson Distinguished Visiting Professor in the Humanities. In this capacity, she will…
Department of Drama Presents ‘The King Stag’
Magic and laughter come center stage as the Department of Drama presents the commedia dell’arte classic “The King Stag.” This prime example of the Italian comedic tradition of slapstick antics and sheer fun opens at the Storch Theatre in the…
New Internship Links Janklow Arts Leadership Program and Atlanta Ballet
A new partnership between the Janklow Arts Leadership Program in the College of Arts and Sciences and Atlanta Ballet creates a unique opportunity for a student to get hands-on arts experience. The new program, which starts in July 2017, follows…
Woody Register on ‘The Muckers’: Lecture, Book Signing and Seminar
Historian Woody Register will give a talk and reading from his book, “The Muckers: A Narrative of the Crapshooters Club,” on Thursday, March 2, at 4:30 p.m. in the Hillyer Room on the sixth floor of Bird Library. Register will…
Prisca Dorcas Mojica Rodriguez to Speak Tonight
On Feb. 14, the Zeta Epsilon chapter of Lambda Theta Alpha, in collaboration with Lambda Sigma Upsilon, is hosting an event titled “Universal Woman—Brown Girl: Storytelling Through Resistance.” The event will begin at 7 p.m. in the Schine Underground and…
Deadline for Paris Noir 2017 Extended
The application period for students interested in Syracuse University’s Paris Noir Program has been extended to Feb. 20. Paris Noir was developed 16 years ago by Janis Mayes, professor of African-American studies, allowing students to intimately learn about the influence…
Community Folk Art Center Offers Exhibition, Music, Film in Celebration of Black History Month
The Community Folk Art Center (CFAC), a unit of Syracuse University’s Department of African American Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences, is celebrating Black History Month with an array of cultural programming open to the Syracuse University and…
SU Libraries to Host Annual Human Library Event April 5; Book Volunteers Needed
The Syracuse University Libraries will host its fourth annual Human Library event on Wednesday, April 5, from noon to 4 p.m. in Bird Library. Participants will have the opportunity to talk to “human books”: volunteers from the Syracuse University community…
Maija Tammi—Art Photographer and Communicator of Science
Photography serves as an accurate means to convey what we observe within a specific context or contexts. From its early days, photography has served an important double role in the recording and communication of science and as art form. Maija…
Listening Party at the Belfer Audio Archive on Feb. 16
Ever wondered what goes on behind the doors of the Belfer Audio Archive? Join the audio engineers, media archivists and curators of the Special Collections Research Center to explore the impressive work being done to preserve the history of recorded…