All Media Coverage
Kyle Rittenhouse’s Trial Has Raised Discussions Surrounding the Safety of Protesting
Danielle Smith, professor of African American Studies and director of the Renée Crown University Honors Program in the College of Arts and Sciences, wrote commentary for, “The idea that Americans should be afraid to protest is a threat to our…
The International Olympic Committee’s Response To Peng Shuai’s Allegations
Rick Burton, David B. Falk Endowed Professor of Sport Management in Falk College, was quoted in two New York Times stories, “Are the Knicks and Lakers Really Worth $5 Billion?,” and “Will Olympics Sponsors Face Blowback Over Peng Shuai?.” Additionally, he…
Will Biden’s Infrastructure Plan Delivery On Its Promises?
David Van Slyke, Dean of the Maxwell School, provided expertise to The New York Times for the piece, “Biden Says His Infrastructure Law Is a ‘Big Deal.’ How Big?” Syracuse professor discussed Biden’s new $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Law, and his ability…
For the media: Jack Dorsey leaving Twitter “His tenure has been less than stellar”
Jennifer Grygiel, Syracuse University associate professor and social media researcher offers this reaction to the news that Jack Dorsey, the founder and CEO of Twitter, is stepping down. “Unlike Mark Zuckerberg, Dorsey has never been in control of Twitter. His…
Composer and Lyricist, Stephen Sondheim, Passes Away At 91
Eric Grode, Director of the Goldring Arts Program in the Newhouse School was quoted by The New York Times for the piece, “20 Stephen Sondheim Songs to Listen to Right Now.” Grode reflects on the life of Composer and Lyricist Stephen Sondheim,…
Syracuse University Experts: COVID-19
For members of the media looking for experts to comment on the complex and ever-changing issues around the COVID-19 pandemic, please see the Syracuse University faculty experts listed below. For additional media assistance, please contact: Ellen Mbuqe, Director of News…
What Those Who Are and Are Not Vaccinated Have in Common
Afton Kapuscinski, assistant teaching professor in the College of Arts and Sciences and director of the Psychological Services Center, was quoted by CNBC for the article, “Use this 4-step guide for Covid-safe and conflict-free holiday gatherings.” Kapuscinski discussed the controversy…
Dollar Tree Branches Out On Prices – Will Consumers Care?
Get ready to pay an extra quarter. Dollar Tree announced earlier this month that it will be raising prices on many of its goods from the established $1 price mark, which it has held for more than 30 years, to…
Threats to Environmental Law with Upcoming Supreme Court Hearing
Last week, the Supreme Court agreed to hear a set of cases challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority to regulate greenhouse gases. The justices’ decision in this pending case, West Virginia v. EPA, would have a huge impact on environmental law…
Dean David Van Slyke on Recently Passed Infrastructure Bill
Reporters looking for expert insight on all issues regarding infrastructure, please see comments from David M. Van Slyke, Dean of the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University and the Louis A. Bantle Chair in Business-Government Policy. Van Slyke…