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Rhetoric at the UN, Similar to The Apprentice?
Kendall Phillips, professor of communication and rhetorical studies at Syracuse University, who is also teaching a class this semester on President Trump and popular culture, is available for comment on the recent speech by President Trump at the United Nations. “It…
Navigating Columbus Day Sales
With Columbus Day right around the corner, many shoppers are gearing up to hit the sales and save some cash. Whitman School of Management Assistant Professor of Retail Practice Ray Wimer, spoke with USA Today about the sales. One way things have…
It’s Time: Pumpkin Overload
Pumpkins used to be exclusive to pumpkin pie as the season changed to Fall. Now, however, pumpkin flavoring has been added to just about everything, from coffee to doughnuts to cookies and beyond. The Yakima Herald wrote about the pumpkin’s…
Draining The Swamp Has Hit Some Snags
You heard the saying throughout the entire Trump campaign, “drain the swamp!” However, nearly a year later, this is proving tougher done that said. In an article for The Hill, Maxwell Professor Grant Reeher commented on this, detailing the problems…
How Fake News is Damaging Democracy
An assistant professor at the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University, Jeff Hemsley and his PhD students actively research the viral spread of fake news or other categorizations of viral information. In the wake of the mass shooting in…
Questions about Trump’s New Tax Plan
With the introduction of the new Republican tax plan, political analysts say that Trump broke some promises. The President had said the plan would not be beneficial to the rich, though the plan seems to do just that. The Atlantic…
Tony Romo’s Big Move: A Good Idea?
This offseason, former Dallas quarterback Tony Romo moved on from the field to take a job in the broadcast booth. His work has been met with praise from many across the sporting world but was this a smart move for…
Olympic Sponsorships Will Start to Cost More
As the Olympics inch closer to returning to host sites in Europe and America, the price for sponsorships has been on the rise. The David B. Falk Endowed Professor of Sport Management Rick Burton was interviewed by Bloomberg Pursuits, saying…
Facebook Needs To Step Forward After Election Ads
Following a political season that thrust fake advertisements into the limelight, Facebook is taking steps to prevent this moving forward. For an article in USA Today, Newhouse Assistant Professor of Communications Jennifer Grygiel was quoted about these new changes and…
New Technology to Better Understand Black Hole Collisions
A new technology has been discovered that uses gravitational wave detection to show the after-effects of a black hole collision. These ripples can now be shaped using this new technology, a large advancement in science, though some things are still…