Million Stories Under One Roof
It’s home to more than a million stories. Reference books, maps, and multimedia are housed there. So how does the Syracuse University Libraries Facility preserve these materials for hundreds of years? Here’s the transcribed version of our video: Interviewer: “Inside…
Statement from Syracuse University Regarding the Passing of Lou Reed
“The Syracuse University family learned today of the passing of one of its own, musical pioneer Lou Reed, an honors graduate of the class of ’64 whom we honored just a few years ago with SU’s highest alumni recognition, the…
Remembrance Week Ceremony Marks 25th Anniversary of “The Darkest Day”
Remembrance Ceremony at Syracuse University from Syracuse University News on Vimeo. Here’s a transcript of our story: “One by one, remembrance scholars stepped forward to pledge to act forward in memory of the people killed aboard Pan Am 103 twenty-five…
Eat to Live Food Co-op Opens
Here’s the transcription of our story: Eat to Live Food Co-op video transcript Interviewer: “With the snip of a ribbon, the newest grocery store on Syracuse’s Southside was officially open for business.” Shirley Rowser, Board President: “It’s so exciting. It’s…
The NewsHouse: Class of 1963 Offers Sage Advice
The Syracuse University class of 1963, celebrating its Golden Reunion this year, offers advice to current students and this year’s graduating class
Vice Chancellor and Provost Eric F. Spina Appointed Interim Chancellor
Earlier today, at a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, Vice Chancellor and Provost Eric F. Spina was unanimously selected to serve as Interim Chancellor of Syracuse University. Please see the message below from Chairman of…
Message from Chancellor Nancy Cantor to the University Community
Dear SU Community Members, Having just celebrated a wonderful Orange Central weekend on campus and as we mark the midpoint of the Fall semester, I am writing to let you know that I have decided that the best way to…
Update: Center for Science and Technology
The Center for Science and Technology and the Life Sciences Complex are currently closed due to a small, contained chemical spill. As a precaution, students and employees were temporarily evacuated. The Syracuse Police Department, SU Department of Public Safety and…
In Class: COM 427, “Social Media for Communicators”
Social Media Professor William Ward (@DR4WARD) gives his students a chance to take Google Glass for a spin during COM 427, “Social Media for Communicators.” Is this the future of social media? Ward’s fearless sidekick, Ty the Wonder Dog, helps assist in the lesson plan and the exploration of this new device.
CCJI Concludes Five Cities Project
CCJI and NAACP from Syracuse University News on Vimeo.