CDC Should Broaden Its Guidelines About Masks
April 1, 2020- According to CDC and World Health Organization guidelines, only the sick and their caretakers should wear face masks. But the CDC is considering broadening its guidelines and should do so immediately, says public health expert Dr. David…
How Families Can Reduce Stress While Social Distancing
For Immediate Release: March 30, 2020 Social distancing measures can have a negative impact on mental health, experts say, and Americans are now facing at least one more month of isolation. As we get more anxious about our health and…
What Parents Should Say to Their Children – and How They Should Act Around Them – While Sheltering at Home
For Immediate Release: March 25, 2020 If you’re looking for an expert source to provide insight and perspective on how parents should talk to their children and act around them while sheltering at home, Syracuse University psychology professor Dr. Joshua…
Postponement of Summer Olympics Answers One Question But Raises Several More, Experts Say
For Immediate Release: March 24, 2020 For your continuing coverage of the postponement of the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Olympic sports marketing and sponsorship expert Rick Burton and sports law expert John Wolohan are available for interviews. Rick Burton…
‘It Is Critical’ for States and Counties to Maintain SNAP Services: Child and Family Policy Expert
For Immediate Release: March 20, 2020 If you’re looking for an independent source to provide insight and perspective on the impact of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act on food security in the United States, child and family policy expert…
Coronavirus And Retail – Likely To Be Two-Sided Coin
With the coronavirus pandemic impacting more aspects of American life every day, many are wondering how the retail sector will fare – both for big-box businesses and smaller independent operations. Ray Wimer is an assistant professor of retail practice at…
Pushing Manufacturers To Make More Resilient Products Will Go Long Way In Curbing E-Waste
European lawmakers are considering new regulations that would push manufacturers to design products that last longer. It’s part of a global effort to curb “throwaway” culture where people buy products, use them for a short while and then throw them…
Tensions Between U.S., Iran the ‘New Normal’
For Immediate Release: March 13, 2020 If you’re looking for an independent source to provide insight and perspective on the impact on the U.S. airstrikes on Iranian-backed militia sites in Iraq and the growing tensions between Tehran and Washington, Middle…
3.14 Is A Great Day To Get Silly And Goof Around With Math
Pi Day will be celebrated on March 14. Pi (Greek letter “π”) is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — which is approximately 3.14159. Graham…
The Path to Systemic Change: Equity-Focused School Leadership
The Path to Systemic Change: Equity-Focused School Leadership The need for systemic change has never been more evident than in this past year. But a clear path on how to get there has been much more elusive. A group of…