All Posts in #STEM
Lessons from the Fishbowl
Just before Spring Break, two dozen eighth- and ninth-grade students filed into a biology lab in the Life Sciences Complex, where they were greeted by tanks of petite, striped fish. Their assignment? To study the animals up close. The students…
The Power of Women in STEM: Opportunities Past, Present and Future
MedTech Association and Women Inspiring the Spirit of Entrepreneurship (WISE) will host “The Power of Women in STEM: Opportunities Past, Present and Future” on Thursday, April 9. The event will be held in the Milton Room, located on the fourth…
Disrupting Traditional Gender Roles
Both partners in today’s modern couple may each have professional lives outside the home but two careers still equals three jobs—two professions, plus managing a home. And for women, oftentimes, that third job still remains their role. A recent SU Advance speaker pointed out ways to correct that imbalance.
JPMC Contributes $15,000 to Support It Girls Program
JP Morgan Chase & Co. has provided a $15,000 sponsorship for this year’s It Girls Overnight Retreat, an event created by the School of Information Studies (iSchool) to engage, inspire and celebrate high school women and their potential in technology….
2012 STEM Summer Institute invites teachers, professionals and students July 8-11
Registration is now open for the NYS STEM Education Collaborative’s second biennial Summer STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Institute, to be held July 8-11 at Syracuse University. This year’s theme is “STEM: The Future is Now—Increasing Student Achievement Through…
L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science will celebrate National Engineers Week
L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science will celebrate National Engineers Week February 07, 2008Tricia Syracuse University’s L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science (LCS) will mark National Engineers Week with a series of educational and recreational…