All Posts in #health and wellness
Sport Nutrition Expert Patrick Wilson Visits Falk College April 1 for Distinguished Speaker Series
The Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics is pleased to welcome Patrick Wilson, Ph.D., RDN, as the featured speaker of the Ninth Annual Ann Selkowitz Litt Distinguished Speaker Series. His lecture, “The Athlete’s Gut: A Scientist’s Perspective on Translating…
Staying Well During Flu Season
As the foundation of campus health and wellness, the Barnes Center at The Arch supports the Orange community in preparing for and navigating flu season. “Getting your flu shot, washing your hands and staying home if you feel sick, really…
How to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick (Podcast)
With the arrival of the new year, many people view this as the ideal time to figure out the changes they’d like to make in themselves as part of a new year, new you mentality. Instead of making huge, sweeping…
Syracuse University Ambulance to Offer Upcoming CPR Training
Syracuse University Ambulance (SUA) is pleased to offer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training for students, faculty and staff. The next available class will be held on Thursday, Nov. 7, from 5 to 7:30 p.m. in 020 Lyman Hall. This training will…
Pioneering Publication: Barnes Center at The Arch Integrated Health and Wellness Model
Fall 2024 marks a five-year milestone since the grand opening of the Barnes Center at The Arch. A driving force behind the vision for the Barnes Center at The Arch’s physical space and its health and wellness team—comprising health care,…
Hendricks Chapel Dean Brian Konkol Offers 5 Steps to Discovering Professional Joy
What started as a sidewalk conversation turned into a popular virtual workshop. Developed in the summer of 2023 and offered numerous times since, “Five Steps to Discovering Professional Joy” has engaged numerous participants throughout the Syracuse University campus community. “I…
Staying Safe as We Age: Understanding Falls in Older Adults
Falls are a major concern for older adults and for those that love and care for them. They are a leading cause of injury for adults older than 65, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. More…
Faculty and Staff: Join Your Colleagues at the Syracuse WorkForce Run/Walk/Roll for Food, Fitness and Fun
At the 2023 Syracuse WorkForce Run/Walk/Roll (formerly the J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge), Syracuse University held the distinction of being the largest employer represented among dozens of local companies participating in the annual tradition for the second year in a row….
Mindfully Growing Program Teaching Healthy Eating Habits to Pre-K Children
Do you like broccoli? “I touched broccoli with my feet.” You like eating watermelon, what does it smell like? “Snow.” What does snow taste like? “Broccoli.” Welcome to a Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) Age 4 classroom at Elbridge Elementary School in…
Falk College Welcomes Sports Dietetics Expert Laura Moretti Reece for Ann Litt Lecture March 26
The Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics is pleased to welcome Laura Moretti Reece as the featured speaker of the Eighth Annual Ann Selkowitz Litt Distinguished Speaker Series. Her lecture, “Nourishing an Athlete with an Eating Disorder: A Sport…