All Posts in #faculty
Expert Petosa Gives Advice For a Wallet-Friendly Valentine’s Day
Dinner, flowers, chocolates and more can add up on Valentine’s Day. If you are looking to celebrate with your significant other but not break the bank, The Street, along with advice from Whitman Professor of Practice John Petosa, offers several…
Why is Billionaire Investor Patrick Soon-Shiong Buying LA Times, and What Will it Mean for the Newsroom?
Billionaire biotech investor and physician Patrick Soon-Shiong is buying the Los Angeles Times and the San Diego Union-Tribune in a $500 million deal. Associate professor Steve Davis teaches magazine, newspaper and online journalism at the S.I. Newhouse School of Public…
Innovation Orange: Marcelle Haddix
Marcelle Haddix, associate professor and chair of reading and language arts in the School of Education, is the creator and director of Writing our Lives, a program geared toward supporting the writing practices of urban youth within and beyond school contexts.
Super Bowl Ads Shift From ‘Sex Sells’ Attitude
There has been a trend away from the idea that ‘sex sells’ in regards to Super Bowl advertisements. The theme has been declining throughout the years, and took a full step away from it during this year’s game. Rebecca Ortiz,…
NYSTAR Re-Designates College of Law’s Technology Commercialization Law Program as the New York State Science and Technology Law Center
Empire State Development’s Division of Science, Technology, and Innovation (NYSTAR) has re-designated the College of Law’s Technology Commercialization Law Program (TCLP) as the New York State Science and Technology Law Center (NYSSTLC, or Law Center). Having served as the NYSTAR Law…
‘The Founders,’ Co-Edited by David M. Crane, Charts Creation of World’s First International Tribunals
A candid look at how the founding prosecutors sought justice for millions of victims, the backdrop to these tales is four of the most appalling conflicts of modern times.
Engineering and Computer Science Professors Publish Book on Detecting Dangerous Data Anomalies
What do the detection of credit card fraud, seizures in electro-encephalogram data and malware in computer systems have in common? In each of these examples, the main task is to detect an abnormality that may not have been seen before,…
Moving the Needle
George M. Langford is famously soft-spoken, but do not expect the dean emeritus of the College of Arts and Sciences (A&S) to slip quietly into retirement. On the contrary, he is about to make the biggest noise of his career. In…
We’ve All Heard the Words ‘Bitcoin’ and ‘Blockchain,’ but What Are They?
Lee W.McKnight is an associate professor in the School of Information Studies, faculty advisor to the Worldwide Innovation Technology and Entrepreneurship Club and an affiliate of the Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism. He is also an expert on Bitcoin…
The Problem and Influence of Twitter Bots
A recent New York Times investigation revealed that thousands of Twitter users purchased followers and retweets to expand upon their influence on the site. As public outcry followed, Newhouse social media professor Jennifer Grygiel discussed this in a CNET article,…