All Posts in #Disability Cultural Center
Disability Cultural Center Hosting Open House for Community to Meet New Director Elizabeth Sierra G’06
The Disability Cultural Center invites students, faculty and staff to an open house on Thursday, April 18, between noon and 3 p.m. to meet the new director, Elizabeth R. Sierra. The open house will be in the Disability Cultural Center,…
Live Stream Available for ‘Cripping’ the Comic Con Panel on April 13
On Saturday, April 13, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Syracuse University will host its sixth “Cripping” the Comic Con symposium in the Schine Student Center. The event welcomes all community members to a day centered on this year’s theme,…
Elizabeth Sierra G’06 Named Disability Cultural Center Director
The Division of Enrollment and the Student Experience has announced Elizabeth R. Sierra G’06 as the new director of the Disability Cultural Center. Her first day is Monday, April 8. Sierra is currently a psychotherapist and clinical supervisor at Sunshine Coast Health…
Sixth ‘Cripping’ the Comic Con Symposium Announced
The sixth “Cripping” the Comic Con symposium is Saturday, April 13, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the Schine Student Center. The event welcomes all community members to a day centered on this year’s theme, “And Justice for All…?,”…
Looking Ahead: Where to Find Offices, Services During Schine Renovation
As announced in November, Schine Student Center will begin a transformative renovation in May 2019. The planned renovation, a key component of the Campus Framework, will include enhanced accessibility, an upgraded dining experience, centralized spaces for student activities, an expanded,…
University Announces Disability Day of Mourning Candlelight Vigil
On Friday, March 1, Syracuse University will hold the Disability Day of Mourning (DDoM) candlelight vigil from 2-3:30 p.m. in Jabberwocky Café, Schine Student Center. The Disability Student Union (DSU) and the Disability Cultural Center (DCC), in partnership with the…
Open Presentations for Disability Cultural Center Director Candidates
The campus community is invited to attend open presentations by candidates for the Disability Cultural Center (DCC) director position. Presentations will focus on defining disability culture, the role of the DCC director in fostering disability culture, and ways to work…
Spring 2019 Interfaith Dinner Dialogue Series Begins Jan. 22 with Discussion on Trevor Noah’s ‘Born A Crime’
An in-depth discussion of Trevor Noah’s “Born A Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood” will kick off the University’s spring 2019 Interfaith Dialogue Dinner Series, “Common and Diverse Ground: Raising Consciousnesses by Acknowledging the ‘Hidden’ Things that Divide Us,”…
Interfaith Dialogue Dinner to Be Held Tonight
Hendricks Chapel and the Disability Cultural Center are hosting an Interfaith Dialogue Dinner tonight from 7 – 9 p.m. with thought-provoking conversation. Food will be served starting at 6:30 p.m. The event will be held in the Peter Graham Scholarly…
Author Ralph Savarese to Speak About His New Book ‘See It Feelingly’ Nov. 15 at Bird Library
Ralph Savarese will read from his new book, “See It Feelingly: Classic Novels, Autistic Readers, and the Schooling of a No Good English Professor” (Duke University Press, 2018), on Thursday, Nov. 15, from noon to 1 p.m. in the Peter…