All Posts in #College of Law
Intercollegiate Moot Court Teams Complete Successful Fall Season
It’s been a busy two months for the College of Law’s Trial Advocacy program, reports Professor Kathleen O’Connor, faculty director of the Moot Court Honor Society and Advocacy, with intercollegiate teams reaching the final four in three competitions and with…
With NYSSTLC’s Help, Heatsleeve Is Heating Up Prosthetic Devices Market
The last straw for Bryan Costello came one bitterly cold winter morning. Having lost part of his right leg in a motorcycle accident in 2011, Costello was now employed plowing driveways instead of working as a pipefitter for a nuclear…
Disability Law Expert Kanter Talks Website Accessibility Case
A court case is pending on the topic, but many strongly believe that businesses must provide accessible websites for the visually impaired. This includes Arlene Kanter, a Professor of Law and the Director of the College of Law Disability Law…
Flynn Under Scope of Mueller Investigation
As the investigation into whether or not Russia interfered with the 2016 election, Michael Flynn, a former national security adviser, is in the scope of investigation from special counsel Robert Mueller. Syracuse Law Professor William Banks spoke with Bloomberg Law…
David Crane on Chemical Weapons and International Law
In an op-ed piece for Jurist News, Syracuse Law Professor David Crane argues against chemical warfare, particularly in regards to how the usage of chemicals weapons should be viewed and tried by governing forces. “The United Nations Security Council (UNSC)…
Iraq Looks Outward for Help In Bringing
After the atrocities inflicted in Mosul by the terrorist group ISIS, Iraq does not have the means or the institutions to find justice for thousands of victims. In order for justice to be brought to those who committed war crimes,…
NEXT Conference to Feature Commercialization Experts
The College of Law’s New York State Science and Technology Law Center (NYSSTLC) has a leading role at the NEXT Conference and Tech Showcase, taking place on Nov. 17 at the Sheraton Syracuse University. NYSSTLC is both a conference co-sponsor…
‘Living Proof’: Syrian Accountability Project Publishes White Paper on the Yazidi Genocide
Crimes committed against civilians during war can be especially heinous, but when those crimes are committed with planned intent to destroy an ethnic or religious community, international law applies the unique label of “genocide.” It is not a charge used…
NYSSTLC Helps Write ModoScript’s Next Chapter
Not every entrepreneur’s prescription for success is exactly the same, but there are often many ingredients in common: a novel idea, a vision of success, hard yards, a dash of luck and a carefully cultivated network of advisors, mentors, investors…
College of Law New York Bar Exam Pass Rate is Highest in Decades
Syracuse University College of Law graduates who took the New York State Bar Exam for the first time in July 2017 achieved a 91.6 percent pass rate. That mark represents a two-decade high, and an increase of more than two percentage…