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Register for Spring 2020 ITS Accessibility Workshops
Information Technology Services (ITS) technology accessibility workshops help participants understand accessibility and put it into practice on the job. The skills you learn in these workshops will help you support the University’s commitment to creating a more accessible, inclusive campus….
University College Announces Commencement Speaker
The University College Commencement Celebration for part-time students will take place on Thursday, May 7, at 6 p.m. at the new National Veterans Resource Center at the Daniel & Gayle D’Aniello Building. Jeffery Mangram will be the keynote speaker. Mangram…
Hacking Your Workday
One of the nation’s oldest business schools, the Martin J. Whitman School of Management has produced thousands of graduates who forge successful paths in all aspects of the business world, from accounting and finance, to entrepreneurship and marketing, to real…
Five Ways to Bust Through a Late-Winter Workout Slump
We’re in that time of year when the shine of (and often, commitment to) New Year’s resolutions has dulled, but the renewed energy that spring weather brings is still, optimistically, a few weeks away. It can be tough to remain…
How Couples Stay Together
Recently, Professor Joseph Fanelli received an Amazon delivery he wasn’t expecting. It was a watering can for plants. It was also an expression of love—the kind of action that makes a loving relationship endure. “I had been in my workshop…
Be Involved with Take Back the Night 2020
Each year, Syracuse University recognizes and participates in Take Back the Night (TBTN), a global event dedicated to raising awareness about sexual, relationship and domestic violence, and other forms of interpersonal violence. This year’s TBTN rally and march will be…
Syracuse University, CNY Care Collaborative Inc. Launch Care Coordination Certificate Program
An enhanced training program, funded by the Central New York Care Collaborative (CNYCC) and developed by Falk College’s School of Social Work in partnership with the CNY Regional Planning Consortium (RPC), and other state and local stakeholders, will benefit frontline…
From Ghana, With Duffle Bag
It’s not every day a student arrives on campus with their whole life tucked away into a single military duffle bag, but for Kelvin Nyamalor, a student veteran at Syracuse University, that was exactly how he arrived. “I came here during the…
Best Local Places to Find a Good Book
March is National Reading Month. But, of course, you knew that. You like to read books. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have opened this article about where to find good books. So, where do you find them? We have a few ideas,…
Chancellor Kent Syverud Addresses Recent Events and Directs Urgent Action
Dear Members of the Syracuse University Community: It has been a tough week on campus, including for the students who are protesting in Crouse-Hinds Hall. Last Wednesday, at the University Senate, I said we needed to step back from the…