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Math Students Finish Among Top Universities at Elite Competition
A team of three undergraduate students from the College of Arts and Sciences’ (A&S) Department of Mathematics recently finished 58th out of 488 participating institutions in the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition. The math contest is the preeminent mathematics competition…
Shumer Wins Campuswide InVenture Prize
Matthew Shumer ’22, founder of Visos, the first virtual reality (VR) headset specifically designed for health care applications, has won Syracuse University’s InVenture Prize campus qualifier competition, sponsored by the Blackstone LaunchPad powered by Techstars at Syracuse University Libraries. He received…
Monday Is Disability Day of Mourning
On Monday, March 2, Disability Day of Mourning (DDoM) will be recognized at an event from 3 to 4 p.m. in 606 Bird Library (Hilyer Room). The Beyond Compliance Coordinating Committee and the Disability Cultural Center (DCC) will host the…
Coronavirus Preparedness, Coordination and Planning Continues
Dear Members of the Syracuse University Community: As I shared yesterday, Syracuse University has been working closely with health authorities—including the Onondaga County Health Department, New York State officials and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—to prepare for…
Forever 21 Searches for New CEO to Revive Brand
Ray Wimer, professor of retail practice in the Whitman School, was quoted in the Retail Dive article “New Forever 21 owners in search of a CEO.” In the article, Wimer discussed Forever 21’s retail potential with its new ownership despite…
Statement from Sarah Scalese, SAVP for Communications, Regarding Recent Events
To be clear: A meeting for 4 p.m. today was never agreed to, scheduled or confirmed. We do, however, hope to continue dialogue with our students, which is why we participated in a two-and-a-half-hour meeting last night with the student…
Important Coronavirus Update, Academic Program in Florence to Be Suspended
Dear Members of the Syracuse University Community: Syracuse University continues to track the global threat of the novel coronavirus, now known as COVID-19, and remains in close contact with local, regional and national public health experts. We have communicated frequently…
Scott Reynolds ‘Can’t Stand to See Kids Walk through Snow to Get on a Bus’
Very early on winter mornings, Scott Reynolds navigates a payloader along the streets and through parking lots on the Syracuse University campus. Following a snowfall, Reynolds and his 60 colleagues on the Facilities Services grounds team work to clear the…
Interfaith Dialogue Dinner Series Addresses ‘Faith and Mental Health’ on March 3
The University’s ongoing Interfaith Dialogue Dinner Series, “Common and Diverse Ground: Raising Consciousnesses by Acknowledging the ‘Hidden’ Things that Divide Us,” continues on Tuesday, March 3, with the second dialogue of the Spring 2020 semester. The dialogue will include an…
Vital Health Message, Please Read: Coronavirus Preparedness, New Actions Underway
Dear Members of the Syracuse University Community: I write to you with urgent updates related to coronavirus. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its guidance yesterday regarding the outbreak of the coronavirus known as COVID-19. Many…