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3.21 Libraries Update
Syracuse University Libraries’ staff now has restricted access to the Libraries’ buildings and physical collections. This means: • All overdue items will be automatically renewed and late fines will be suspended. Items will be due in fall 2020. • Any…
Message from Chancellor Kent Syverud
Dear Orange Friends: As we mark the 150th anniversary of Syracuse University’s founding, we find ourselves facing unprecedented challenges in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. I want to share some thoughts with you during this extraordinary time in our history….
‘It Is Critical’ for States and Counties to Maintain SNAP Services: Child and Family Policy Expert
For Immediate Release: March 20, 2020 If you’re looking for an independent source to provide insight and perspective on the impact of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act on food security in the United States, child and family policy expert…
Coronavirus Update: New State Order Impacting Our Workforce
Dear Members of the Syracuse University Community: A short time ago, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced that in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, 100 percent of non-essential employees in New York state must remain at home for the…
Coronavirus Update: Message from Interim Provost John Liu
Dear Faculty, I write this message primarily to thank you for the sacrifices you have been making in the best interests of our students and to provide some information about resources that may be useful for you. First, I thank…
Coronavirus Updates and Resources and Services 3.19.20
Dear Members of the Syracuse University Community: Over the past several weeks, many in the Syracuse University community have been working diligently to keep you informed related to our COVID-19 planning and preparedness efforts. Our approach to that effort, given…
Coronavirus Update: Deadline for Dropping Classes and Switching to Pass/Fail Extended
Dear Syracuse University undergraduate students: As you prepare to transition to online classes following spring break, I am writing to share information to help you navigate the remainder of the spring semester. This message applies to undergraduate students enrolled in…
Health Care Heroes Need a Break, Too
Bryce Hruska, assistant professor of public health in the Falk College, studies the mental benefits of taking a break. While most of us can identify with the feeling of getting away from stressful situations, Hruska has studied the actual beneficial…
Coronavirus Updates and Guidance 3.18.20
Dear Members of the Syracuse University Community: As we confront the global coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis—as a community and as a country—Syracuse University continues to evolve current polices, practices and procedures, and take new action to provide enhanced support to our…
Graduate Dean’s Award Recipients Announced
Eight graduate students have been selected to receive the Graduate Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research and Creative Work. Award recipients represent a broad array of disciplines and were selected based on students’ outstanding accomplishments in research and creative work,…