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“How an untested company uses your smart phone to influence Syracuse’s fight vs. coronavirus.”
Lee McKnight, an associate professor in the iSchool, was interviewed by for the article “How an untested company uses your smart phone to influence Syracuse’s fight vs. coronavirus.” A Norwegian data-mining company,Unacast Inc., used its cellphone data to grade…
Grisham Out-a Public Relations Perspective
April 7, 2020 If you are writing about Stephanie Grisham stepping down as White House press secretary, please consider the comments below from Tony D’Angelo. D’Angelo is a public relations professor at Syracuse University’s Newhouse School and former director of…
Prior Learning Experience May Transition to College Credits
Vincente Cuevas is a health promotions coordinator at the Barnes Center at The Arch. Blaine Moore works for the 274th Air Support Operations Squadron at Hancock Airport. And Mary Welker works in the Office of Professional Research and Development in…
Equal Opportunity for All? Not for Students with Disabilities During COVID-19 Pandemic
For Immediate Release: April 7, 2020 The $2 trillion coronavirus stabilization bill contains a provision that gives Education Secretary Betsy DeVos the power to waive parts of the federal special education rules while school districts are struggling to teach their…
Generations Strong: The Passion and Power of Social Work in a Changing World
Three generations of Bregman women live separately in the Syracuse community. Yet, they each wake up every morning looking forward to their work ahead and go to bed each night knowing they have made a difference in their community. Ona…
Military-Connected Student of the Month: Graduate Student Chris Giglio
For many, joining the military is as much a matter of family tradition as it is a commitment to serve. For Syracuse graduate student and third-generation Naval officer Chris Giglio, it was also a matter of building on a personal…
Nomination Deadline Extended for the Chancellor’s Award for Public Engagement and Scholarship
Members of the campus community are invited to submit nominees for the 2020 Chancellor’s Award for Public Engagement and Scholarship (CAPES). Submissions are welcome through Friday, April 17. The original deadline was March 23 but has been extended due to…
South Campus Food Pantry Open and Accepting Support
The South Campus Food Pantry at the Carriage House is open and remains accessible to all students. If you would like to join in supporting the pantry, visit to contribute financial support. You can also send food directly by…
Expanded Telemedicine Coverage Available for Faculty, Staff and Retirees
Syracuse University, in partnership with Excellus BlueCross BlueShield, has expanded coverage for individuals enrolled in its health plans to include access to telemedicine. If a member’s health care provider, including a behavioral health provider, offers virtual and telephonic options for…
How Data From Facebook and Google Could Help Research COVID-19
Jennifer Grygiel, Assistant Professor of Communications in the Newhouse School, was quoted by CBS for the story, “Who’s using Google and Facebook data in coronavirus fight? The article talks about the use of user location data from Google and Facebook…