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“What does the domicile law mean for Kashmir?”
Mona Bhan, an Associate Professor of Anthropology and the Ford-Maxwell Professor of South Asian Studies, was interviewed on Al Jazeera’s ‘The Stream,’ for the segment, “What does the domicile law mean for Kashmir?” The interview segment features a Bhan alongside…
“Carrie Mae Weems launches new public-facing art initiative to resist Covid-19”
Carrie Mae Weems, an artist in residence at Syracuse University, was featured in The Art Newspaper, Carrie Mae Weems launches new public-facing art initiative to resist Covid-19 Carrie Mae Weems joined Syracuse’s artist in residence program in January, focusing on…
“America’s original sin: Floyd death prompts historical soul-searching.”
Assistant Professor of Political Science Steven White, from the Maxwell School, was interviewed by Agence France-Presse for the article “America’s original sin: Floyd death prompts historical soul-searching.” The article focuses on rethinking race in American history. “I think for a…
Newhouse School Announces Winners in the 2020 Mirror Awards Competition
The Newhouse School has announced the winners in the 2020 Mirror Awards competition for excellence in media industry reporting. Chosen by a group of journalists and journalism educators, the winners are: Best Single Article/Story Jane Mayer for The New Yorker:…
Rethinking Our Built and Open Spaces After a Pandemic
Keep 6 feet away from others. Avoid crowds. Stay home. In this time of a pandemic, social distancing guidelines promote separation to avoid catching and slow the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19. As local and state governments begin…
Message from Interim Provost John Liu: Safe In-Person Instruction, Resources for Faculty and Engagement Opportunities
Dear Colleagues: As we all work toward resuming in-person instruction this fall, I know that many of you have questions regarding how classes will be conducted and what resources are available to help you prepare. Today’s message provides an overview…
“Food Supply Chain Is Being Tested by Coronavirus.”
Rong Li, associate professor of supply chain management in the Whitman School of Management, was quoted in the Food Quality & Safety story “Food Supply Chain Is Being Tested by Coronavirus.” The article discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has uncovered…
Coronavirus Update 6.12.20: Revised Travel Policy for Faculty and Staff
Dear Faculty and Staff: As part of our early response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Syracuse University took swift action to limit and prohibit travel as part of our robust strategy to safeguard the health and well-being of our campus community….
Despite Pandemic, Advertising Students Continue Dubai Internships—Virtually
For 10 years, seniors and graduate students in the Newhouse School’s advertising program have traveled to Dubai every summer to intern at TBWA\RAAD, the Middle Eastern hub of one of the world’s leading agency networks. Reda Raad ’95, the son…
“How ‘Looney Tunes’ joined the culture wars”
Kendall Phillips, Professor of Communications and Rhetorical Studies in the College of Visual and Performing Arts, was interviewed by Deseret News for the article “How ‘Looney Tunes’ joined the culture wars.” The article questions whether “removing Elmer Fudd’s gun represent[s]…