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“SU and Cornell Political Science Experts Express Concern About Trump’s COVID-19 Diagnosis”
Shana Kushner Gadarian, associate professor of political science in the Maxwell School, was quoted in the WAER Radio story “SU and Cornell Political Science Experts Express Concern About Trump’s COVID-19 Diagnosis.” Gadarian, who studies American politics and political opinion, says…
“Why Is Amazon Tracking Opioid Use All Over the United States?”
Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and the Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion in the Maxwell School, was quoted in the Vice story “Why Is Amazon Tracking Opioid Use All Over the United States?” The company’s human resources team…
“President Trump with COVID: What could transpire if his condition worsens?”
William Banks, professor of law emeritus in the College of Law, was interviewed for the WSYR TV story “President Trump with COVID: What could transpire if his condition worsens?” Professor Banks, an expert on the laws of emergency power, says…
First-Year Architecture Students Get in ‘Good Trouble’
During the first four weeks of the Fall 2020 semester, 108 freshmen architecture students in Assistant Teaching Professor Valeria Rachel Herrera’s representation course (ARC 181) were immersed in a rigorous foundational drawing boot camp designed to help them understand ideas…
ECS Professor Receives NSF Grant for Internet of Things Research
The growing capabilities of sensing, computing and communication devices are leading to an explosion of Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructures. Advances in such technologies as autonomous systems and artificial intelligence also promise enormous economic and societal benefits. Naturally, it is…
Bioengineering Student Named a Society of Women Engineers Scholarship Recipient
Bioengineering student Assul Larancuent ’23 was named the 2020-2021 recipient of the Rochelle Nicolette Perry Memorial Scholarship from the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). The Rochelle Nicolette Perry Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to a currently enrolled college student studying…
Stay Healthy this Flu Season, Get a Flu Shot!
Dear Colleagues: As flu season quickly approaches we are writing to remind you that, as called for in the Syracuse University SAFE public health framework [PDF] (June 2020) and the reopening plan submitted to the New York State Department of…
On-Campus Flu Vaccine Clinics Announced for Students, Faculty and Staff
As outlined in the Syracuse University SAFE public health framework [PDF] released over the summer, all members of the Syracuse University community are expected to get an influenza (flu) vaccine as an important component of keeping campus safe and open…
First Weekend of October: Enjoy Yourself but Stay Safe!
Dear Students: The first weekend of October is upon us. We hope you’re enjoying your Syracuse University experience—inside and outside the classroom. As we head into the fall months, please know that your persistence in following good health practices is…
Campus Study Spots Available While Preparing for Midterms
With midterms approaching next week, there are plenty of spaces students can use to work on assignments, attend Zoom classes or prep sessions, and study. Earlier this semester, the University identified a wide range of study spaces across campus that…