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Student Veteran Organization Announces 2021 Student Veteran Awards and New Leadership
In a recent awards ceremony at the National Veterans Resource Center, the Student Veterans Organization (SVO) and the Office of Veteran and Military Affairs awarded several annual recognitions, including the Best for Vets Award, the Community Support Award, the Danny…
One University Virtual Assessment Celebration to Be Held Friday
The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment (IEA) will host a One University Virtual Assessment Celebration on Friday, May 7, from 2 to 3 p.m. on Zoom. Register to attend. The event will recognize and celebrate the efforts of faculty…
Faculty, Librarians Honored With Emeriti Status
The following faculty members and librarians received emeriti status in May 2020: Peter Bell, professor in the College of Law Mehrzad Boroujerdi, professor of political science in the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs Rachel Brown, associate professor of…
C.A.R.E. Looks to Gauge Summer Interest and Availability
Conversations About Race and Ethnicity (C.A.R.E.) is preparing to host summer sessions for faculty and staff interested in their six-week dialogue program. To help gauge availability, C.A.R.E. is asking those who are interested in potentially participating this summer to complete…
Hendricks Chapel Serves as a Classroom Space to Fulfill Sacred Mission
Hendricks Chapel is known to be the spiritual heart of campus for students to gather and reflect. As a student-focused space for diverse religious, spiritual, intellectual and cultural groups, the chapel is one of the largest gathering places on Syracuse…
Looking at the ingredients behind the different vaccine brands
Burak Kazaz, the Steven R. Becker Professor of Supply Chain Management in the Whitman School, was interviewed for the KCBS Radio segment titled “Looking at the ingredients behind the different vaccine brands.” Kazaz, who also serves as the Executive Director…
Founding Partner JPMorgan Chase Renews Commitment to IVMF to Enhance the Post-Service Lives of Veterans and Their Families
Ten years after its original foundational grant to enhance the post-service lives of veterans and military families through Syracuse University’s Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF), JPMorgan Chase & Co. today announced an additional $8 million grant to support…
‘Assaults on Press Freedom, Here and Abroad, Endanger Democracy’
Roy Gutterman, associate professor of newspaper and online journalism and director of the Tully Center for Free Speech in the Newhouse School, wrote an op-ed for “Assaults on press freedom, here and abroad, endanger democracy.” Gutterman is an expert…
‘NFL Crimes: Female Execs May Hold Key to Reducing Arrests’
Rick Burton, the David B. Falk Endowed Professor of Sport Management in the Falk College, authored an op-ed for Yahoo! Sports titled “NFL Crimes: Female Execs May Hold Key to Reducing Arrests.” Burton, who serves as the University’s faculty athletics…
‘Covid Awakened Americans to a Nursing Home Crisis. Now Comes the Hard Part.’
Nina Kohn, the David M. Levy Professor of Law and faculty director of online education in the College of Law, wrote an op-ed for The Washington Post titled “Covid awakened Americans to a nursing home crisis. Now comes the hard…