Top prospective freshmen formulate ideas on reducing illegal immigration in the United States
Top prospective freshmen formulate ideas on reducing illegal immigration in the United StatesApril 20, 2007Sara Millersemortim@syr.edu On Saturday, April 21, 100 of Syracuse University’s prospective freshmen will present their ideas on policies to reduce illegal immigration at the 62nd annual…
Syracuse University to observe moment of silence today, Crouse College chimes to sound at noon and 12:01 p.m. in respect to Virginia Tech community
Syracuse University to observe moment of silence today, Crouse College chimes to sound at noon and 12:01 p.m. in respect to Virginia Tech communityApril 20, 2007Kevin Morrowkdmorrow@syr.edu Members of the Syracuse University community will observe a moment of silence at…
EPA recognizes Syracuse University as largest green power purchaser among Big East Conference institutions
EPA recognizes Syracuse University as largest green power purchaser among Big East Conference institutionsApril 19, 2007Sara Millersemortim@syr.edu Syracuse University announced today that it has been recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as the 2006-2007 Individual Conference Champion for…
Newhouse School to hold Media Literacy Day for local sixth-graders April 27
Newhouse School to hold Media Literacy Day for local sixth-graders April 27April 19, 2007Wendy S. Loughlinwsloughl@syr.edu On Friday, April 27, a group of about 90 sixth-graders from Edward Smith Elementary School in Syracuse will visit the S.I. Newhouse School of…
Nationally known counseling expert to give SOE Counseling Department Centennial event address April 21
Nationally known counseling expert to give SOE Counseling Department Centennial event address April 21April 19, 2007Patrick Farrellpmfarrel@syr.edu Patricia Arredondo, a nationally known leader in the professions of counseling and psychology and an advocate for multicultural organizational development, will present the…
Humanities Corridor co-sponsors conference on religion at University of Rochester April 20; SU hosts graduate presentations in linguistics April 21
Humanities Corridor co-sponsors conference on religion at University of Rochester April 20; SU hosts graduate presentations in linguistics April 21 April 19, 2007Sara Millersemortim@syr.edu Faculty members from the Central New York Humanities Corridor and other national universities will take part…
Grammy winner Lou Reed to receive Syracuse University’s highest alumni honor at New York City event April 26
Grammy winner Lou Reed to receive Syracuse University’s highest alumni honor at New York City event April 26April 19, 2007Sara Millersemortim@syr.edu Rock and Roll Hall of Fame member Lou Reed ’64 will be honored April 26 during a special event…
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month at SU continues with commemorative lecture by actress, cartoonist Lela Lee April 20
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month at SU continues with commemorative lecture by actress, cartoonist Lela Lee April 20April 19, 2007Carol K. Masiclatclkim@syr.edu The Office of Multicultural Affairs at Syracuse University will continue its celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month…
‘Ten Tons of Love’ drive creates variety of opportunities to support community agencies
‘Ten Tons of Love’ drive creates variety of opportunities to support community agenciesApril 19, 2007SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu Syracuse University’s on- and off-campus students, as well as faculty, staff and community members, will once again donate nonperishable food, clothing and good…
Six honored with Teaching Recognition Awards
Six honored with Teaching Recognition AwardsApril 19, 2007Sara Millersemortim@syr.edu Six Syracuse University faculty members will be honored April 23 as the 2007 recipients of the Teaching Recognition Awards, sponsored by SU’s Meredith Professors. They will be feted by the University…