Donations for a cause
Donations for a causeOctober 08, 2007SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu Members of SU’s sororities and fraternities and of Alpha Phi Omega, the coed service fraternity, raised $5,000.77 for the United Way of Central New York during Saturday’s Dollar Day at the Dome….
SU, The Pike Co., Minority Contractors’ Association of CNY host free educational program for local minority, women business owners
SU, The Pike Co., Minority Contractors’ Association of CNY host free educational program for local minority, women business ownersOctober 08, 2007Kevin Morrowkdmorrow@syr.edu Syracuse University, The Pike Company and the Minority Contractors’ Association of Central New York are partnering to offer…
Famed Cuban jazzman Paquito D’Rivera, SU students to play together in Nov. 1 world premiere event
Famed Cuban jazzman Paquito D’Rivera, SU students to play together in Nov. 1 world premiere eventOctober 08, 2007Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu Grammy Award-winning Cuban musician and composer Paquito D’Rivera will perform a repertoire of jazz and Latin music — including the…
Syracuse University’s Annual Ray Smith Symposium to focus on research into iconic books
Syracuse University’s Annual Ray Smith Symposium to focus on research into iconic booksOctober 08, 2007Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu Syracuse University’s College of Arts and Sciences is aiming to reinvigorate research into iconic books during the annual Ray Smith Symposium, to be…
Newhouse School’s Career Center to hold open house Oct. 12
Newhouse School’s Career Center to hold open house Oct. 12October 08, 2007Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu The Tina Press and David Rubin Career Center, formerly the Career Development Center, at the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications will hold an Open House…
Whitman to host lecture on movie channels, marketing
Whitman to host lecture on movie channels, marketingOctober 08, 2007Amy Schmitzaemehrin@syr.edu Movie making is more than just lights, camera, action. It’s also a business, with complex channel contracts specifying the split of box office revenues between distributors (i.e. studios) and…
Wanted: Participants for a University-wide Web conferencing pilot project
Wanted: Participants for a University-wide Web conferencing pilot projectOctober 08, 2007SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu Syracuse University faculty and staff have a unique opportunity during the fall semester to use a state-of-the-art Web conferencing system, Elluminate Live!, to connect students in virtual…
Freeman appointed director of purchasing at Syracuse University
Freeman appointed director of purchasing at Syracuse UniversityOctober 05, 2007Roxanna Carpenterrocarpen@syr.edu Douglas Freeman was named director of purchasing at Syracuse University. Most recently, Freeman served as manager of student records in the Bursar’s Office at the University. Freeman, who has…
Urban Video Project presents ‘Song Cycle for Haruki Murakami’ Oct. 18 in conjunction with Th3: A City-Wide Art Open
Urban Video Project presents ‘Song Cycle for Haruki Murakami’ Oct. 18 in conjunction with Th3: A City-Wide Art OpenOctober 04, 2007Erica Blustesblust@syr.edu The Urban Video Project (UVP) will present “Song Cycle for Haruki Murakami,” its fifth volume of outdoor multimedia…
‘Mapping Justice’ — Kurgan, Cadora to lecture at SU School of Architecture
‘Mapping Justice’ — Kurgan, Cadora to lecture at SU School of ArchitectureOctober 04, 2007Mary Kate O’Brienmcobrien@syr.edu As part of Syracuse Symposium 2007, Laura Kurgan, director of the Spatial Information Design Lab (SIDL) at Columbia University, and Eric Cadora, director of…