iSchool professor receives first grant for gaming lab
iSchool professor receives first grant for gaming labFebruary 06, 2008Margaret Costello Spillettmcostell@syr.edu Syracuse University School of Information Studies (iSchool) professor Scott Nicholson, director of the M.S. in library and information science program, recently received a Gaylord grant worth $5,000 to…
Award-winning Stone Canoe journal launches second edition
Award-winning Stone Canoe journal launches second editionFebruary 06, 2008Eileen Jevisejevis@uc.syr.edu Syracuse University has launched the second edition of Stone Canoe: A Journal of Arts and Ideas from Upstate New York. The 400-page publication features the work of 98 artists and…
SUArt Galleries’ ‘Vice and Virtue’ exhibition, drawn from SU Art Collection holdings, on display at Everson Museum through late May
SUArt Galleries’ ‘Vice and Virtue’ exhibition, drawn from SU Art Collection holdings, on display at Everson Museum through late MayFebruary 06, 2008SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu SUArt Galleries presents “Images of Vice and Virtue from the Syracuse University Art Collection,” a selection…
Saatchi & Saatchi ad exec to join Newhouse School faculty
Saatchi & Saatchi ad exec to join Newhouse School facultyFebruary 06, 2008Wendy S. Loughlinwsloughl@syr.edu Brian Sheehan, chair and CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi’s Team One Advertising, will join Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications as an associate professor…
Listening for the cosmic symphony: New SU supercomputer will help scientists listen for black holes
Listening for the cosmic symphony: New SU supercomputer will help scientists listen for black holesFebruary 06, 2008Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Scientists hope that a new supercomputer being built by Syracuse University’s Department of Physics may help them identify the sound of a…
SU School of Education professor/author to discuss inclusion at Onondaga County Central Library Feb. 5
SU School of Education professor/author to discuss inclusion at Onondaga County Central Library Feb. 5February 05, 2008Patrick Farrellpmfarrel@syr.edu Mara Sapon-Shevin, professor of inclusive elementary and special education at Syracuse University’s School of Education, will lead a panel discussion based on…
Syracuse researchers link higher test scores with certified librarians in schools
Syracuse researchers link higher test scores with certified librarians in schoolsFebruary 05, 2008Margaret Costello Spillettmcostell@syr.edu New York state schools with certified librarians have higher scores on average on the fourth-grade English Language Arts (ELA) test than those who don’t, according…
More than 115 employers to attend Spring Career Expo Thursday, Feb. 7
More than 115 employers to attend Spring Career Expo Thursday, Feb. 7February 05, 2008Debi Walkerdjwalker@syr.edu The Syracuse University Career Services Network’s annual Spring Career Expo offers opportunity to engage with more than 115 employers who will be gathered Thursday, Feb….
New staff, OMA’s Multicultural Mentoring Program to engage SU students of color with academic, social opportunities
New staff, OMA’s Multicultural Mentoring Program to engage SU students of color with academic, social opportunitiesFebruary 05, 2008Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu Hilda Rosa Martinez is thrilled to come to work each morning. Martinez, who began her new job as assistant director…
Meredith Professor Ruth Small joins governor’s task force on information literacy
Meredith Professor Ruth Small joins governor’s task force on information literacyFebruary 04, 2008Margaret Costello Spillettmcostell@syr.edu Meredith Professor Ruth Small, who has been with Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies (iSchool) since 1989, recently was appointed to the Governor’s Information Literacy…