U.S. immigration policy, labor market, economic growth topics of second Intelligent Conversation Series event
U.S. immigration policy, labor market, economic growth topics of second Intelligent Conversation Series eventApril 15, 2008Eileen Jevisejevis@uc.syr.edu Harjit K. Arora, professor of economics at Le Moyne College, and Ramon E. Rivera, adjunct professor at Syracuse University College of Law and…
Light Work to present panel about art school
Light Work to present panel about art schoolApril 15, 2008Jessica Heckmanjhheckma@syr.edu A lecture and panel discussion will be presented on Thursday, April 24, from 5-6 p.m. in Watson Theater at Light Work. “Art School: A Group Crit” will be moderated…
SU art experts to discuss upcoming Michelangelo exhibition at April 17 IRP gathering
SU art experts to discuss upcoming Michelangelo exhibition at April 17 IRP gatheringApril 15, 2008Eileen Jevisejevis@uc.syr.edu Gary Radke, professor of fine arts at Syracuse University, and Domenic Iacono, director of the SUArt Galleries, are the featured presenters at the next…
SU’s Parking and Transit Services promotes sustainability through Convenient One-Seat Rides program
SU’s Parking and Transit Services promotes sustainability through Convenient One-Seat Rides programApril 15, 2008Sara Millersemortim@syr.edu Syracuse University Parking and Transit Services is announcing a more sustainable option for transportation to campus for SU employees, as part of the University’s commitment…
Public concert April 18 kicks off conference on religion and music of Indian Ocean cultures
Public concert April 18 kicks off conference on religion and music of Indian Ocean culturesApril 15, 2008Sara Millersemortim@syr.edu As part of the “Music Moves Religion: Performance Networks in Indian Ocean Cultures” three-day conference this week at Syracuse University, Prabha Atre,…
Newhouse School announces finalists in second annual Mirror Awards competition
Newhouse School announces finalists in second annual Mirror Awards competitionApril 15, 2008Wendy S. Loughlinwsloughl@syr.edu Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications today announced 22 finalists in five categories in the second annual Mirror Awards competition honoring excellence in media…
Hendricks Chapel celebrates spring with April 27 concert
Hendricks Chapel celebrates spring with April 27 concertApril 15, 2008SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu Syracuse University’s Hendricks Chapel will present a Spring Concert featuring the Hendricks Chapel Choir and the SU Men’s Glee Club on Sunday, April 27, at 4 p.m. in…
Take Back the Night rally, march and speak-out Wednesday night
Take Back the Night rally, march and speak-out Wednesday nightApril 15, 2008Nichelle Rothongndrothon@syr.edu The Syracuse University Office of Prevention Services is hosting a series of events — including workshops, speakers and gatherings — for Take Back the Night, concluding with…
Whitman team wins New Ventures World Competition
Whitman team wins New Ventures World CompetitionApril 15, 2008Amy Schmitzaemehrin@syr.edu Whitman School of Management undergraduate students Greg Ackerman, Rachel Baumann, Michelle Caruso, and Jaclyn Casavant traveled to Nebraska April 10-12 and came home victorious, winning first place for their business…
Environmental Justice and Black Women’s Health Symposium to be held at Syracuse University
Environmental Justice and Black Women’s Health Symposium to be held at Syracuse UniversityApril 15, 2008Kishi Animashaunkanimash@syr.edu The Department of African American Studies at Syracuse University is hosting the Environmental Justice and Black Women’s Health Symposium, addressing the intersections of race,…