Syracuse University and City of Syracuse announce creation of Forman Park Sculpture Garden
Syracuse University and City of Syracuse announce creation of Forman Park Sculpture GardenAugust 20, 2008Erica Blustesblust@syr.edu Syracuse University and the City of Syracuse today announced the creation of a sculpture garden in Forman Park, located at East Genesee Street and…
Rachael Gazdick named executive director of Syracuse chapter of Say Yes to Education
Rachael Gazdick named executive director of Syracuse chapter of Say Yes to EducationAugust 20, 2008Patrick Farrellpmfarrel@syr.edu Rachael Gazdick has been named executive director of the Syracuse chapter of the Say Yes to Education and Economic Development program, according to Douglas…
SU College of Law welcomes Class of 2011
SU College of Law welcomes Class of 2011 August 19, 2008Jaclyn D. Grossojgrosso@law.syr.edu The Syracuse University College of Law welcomed its 113th first-year law class on Monday as 226 students arrived for a three-day orientation program. Monday’s activities included a…
SU campus ready to welcome 3,100 new students
SU campus ready to welcome 3,100 new studentsAugust 18, 2008Carol K. Masiclatclkim@syr.edu They’re coming! In just a few days, some 3,100 new first-year and transfer students will arrive at Syracuse University for the new academic year. When they do, Syracuse…
Syracuse University launches new master’s program in forensic science
Syracuse University launches new master’s program in forensic scienceAugust 18, 2008SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu Contrary to how it is portrayed on fictional TV series, the field of forensic science incorporates a wide range of disciplines from medicine and the sciences to…
Newhouse School’s Tully Center for Free Speech completes comprehensive study on public access to military court proceedings
Newhouse School’s Tully Center for Free Speech completes comprehensive study on public access to military court proceedingsAugust 15, 2008Jaime Winne Alvarezjlwinne@syr.edu The Tully Center for Free Speech at Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications today released research from…
Community Test Kitchen Presents ‘Food for Thought’
Community Test Kitchen Presents ‘Food for Thought’August 14, 2008Amy Schmitzaemehrin@syr.edu The Community Test Kitchen (COMTEK) will host “Food for Thought” on Monday, Aug. 25, at noon. The event will include a guest lecture by Ernie Symanski, director of product development…
‘The Express’ Sept. 12 gala premiere a Syracuse community celebration of ‘Breaking Boundaries’
‘The Express’ Sept. 12 gala premiere a Syracuse community celebration of ‘Breaking Boundaries’August 14, 2008Kevin Morrowkdmorrow@syr.edu The Sept. 12 gala premiere of the “The Express” at the historic Landmark Theatre in downtown Syracuse is the centerpiece of a weekend-long community…
Syracuse University receives $125,000 grant to support commercialization of research across New York state
Syracuse University receives $125,000 grant to support commercialization of research across New York stateAugust 12, 2008Jaclyn D. Grossojgrosso@law.syr.edu Syracuse University College of Law’s New Technology Law Center (SUNTEC) has received a second $125,000 grant from Assemblyman Bill Magnarelli (D-NY) that…
Burton Blatt Institute receives funding from U.S. Department of Education for three-year disability and asset accumulation project
Burton Blatt Institute receives funding from U.S. Department of Education for three-year disability and asset accumulation projectAugust 12, 2008Jaime Winne Alvarezjlwinne@syr.edu The Burton Blatt Institute (BBI) at Syracuse University has received $900,000 in funding from the U.S. Department of Education’s…