EPA recognizes Syracuse University as a Top 20 College & University Partner
Sara Miller(315) 443-9038 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recognized Syracuse University as being among the top 20 colleges and universities nationwide that are leaders in purchasing green power. SU ranks 16th on the EPA’s latest Top 20 College…
5th Annual Haudenosaunee Conference examines Native citizenry and government intervention
Jaclyn D. Grosso(315) 443-9534 Prior to colonization, citizenship was a much simpler question. Indigenous nations exercised their own citizenship laws with little dispute as to what constituted citizenship. Today, indigenous nations continually struggle with the citizenship issue, and the Haudenosaunee…
SPIN auction helps law students pursue public interest careers
Jaclyn D. Grosso(315) 443-9534 Social justice, children’s rights, environmental protection, civil liberties-these are just some of the community issues that Syracuse University law students can help address with funds raised at the annual Public Interest Auction hosted by the Syracuse…
SU’s Newhouse School to host Optimedia President Antony Young
Wendy S. Loughlin(315) 443-2785 Antony Young, president of the media agency Optimedia US, will visit Syracuse University on Tuesday, Nov. 18, as a guest of the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications. He will speak from 11 a.m.–12:20 p.m. in…
Vice Chancellor and Provost Eric F. Spina addresses the faculty
Kelly Homan Rodoski(315) 443-3784 Syracuse University Vice Chancellor and Provost Eric F. Spina delivered his annual address to the faculty on Monday, Nov. 3 in Hendricks Chapel. The text of his speech is available at http://provost.syr.edu. Spina spoke about SU’s…
SU’s Newhouse School to host Optimedia President Antony Young Nov. 18
SU’s Newhouse School to host Optimedia President Antony Young Nov. 18October 29, 2008Wendy S. Loughlinwsloughl@syr.edu Antony Young, president of the media agency Optimedia US, will visit Syracuse University on Tuesday, Nov. 18, as a guest of the S.I. Newhouse School…
5th Annual Haudenosaunee Conference examines Native citizenry and government intervention Nov. 15
5th Annual Haudenosaunee Conference examines Native citizenry and government intervention Nov. 15October 29, 2008Jaclyn D. Grossojgrosso@law.syr.edu Prior to colonization, citizenship was a much simpler question. Indigenous nations exercised their own citizenship laws with little dispute as to what constituted citizenship….
Whitman to host Youth Entrepreneurs of Syracuse (YES) Conference
Amy Mehringer(315) 443-3834 The Falcone Center for Entrepreneurship in the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University will launch its first-ever Youth Entrepreneurs of Syracuse (YES) Conference on Nov. 8. This full-day event, scheduled to take place at the Whitman…
Zipcar program begins on campus
Sara Miller(315) 443-9038 Syracuse University and Zipcar, the world’s largest provider of cars on demand by the hour or day, today announced a joint partnership to provide Zipcars on campus to University faculty, staff and students as an environmentally friendly…
Syracuse University begins Zipcar program on campus
Syracuse University begins Zipcar program on campusOctober 28, 2008Sara Millersemortim@syr.edu Syracuse University and Zipcar, the world’s largest provider of cars on demand by the hour or day, today announced a joint partnership to provide Zipcars on campus to University faculty,…