Lankes receives 2009 Emerald Outstanding Paper Award
Lankes receives 2009 Emerald Outstanding Paper AwardMarch 16, 2009Margaret Costello Spillettmcostell@syr.edu Emerald Group Publishing of the United Kingdom has selected Syracuse University School of Information Studies (iSchool) Associate Professor R. David Lankes’ paper, “Credibility on the Internet: Shifting from Authority…
Syracuse Stage to present ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’
Syracuse Stage to present ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’March 16, 2009Patrick Finlonstagepr@syr.edu The story is simplicity itself. A young girl, alive to everything around her and awakening within her, with hopes and dreams of the life she may one day…
SU Library’s Green Guide now available
Pamela McLaughlin(315) 443-9788 Syracuse University Library’s Green Initiative Team has created the Green Library Guide, found at http://researchguides.library.syr.edu/greenlibrary, to provide information about green initiatives at the library. In addition to highlighting the library’s sustainability efforts, the guide includes links to…
SU history faculty present ‘LGBTQ Throughout History’ panel discussion March 26
SU history faculty present ‘LGBTQ Throughout History’ panel discussion March 26 March 13, 2009Pamela McLaughlinpwmclaug@syr.edu The Syracuse University Library, the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies in SU’s College of Arts and Sciences and the LGBT Studies Program are co-sponsoring…
VPA’s Waggoner wins American Academy of Arts and Letters music award
Erica Blust(315) 443-5891 Andrew Waggoner, associate professor of composition and theory in the Rose, Jules R. and Stanford S. Setnor School of Music in Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts (VPA), has won a 2009 Academy Award in…
SU awarded grant to provide at-risk students access to college
Susan Feightner(315) 443-1525 Syracuse University’s Office of Supportive Services, located in SU’s School of Education, was recently awarded a federal College Access Challenge Grant from New York State Higher Education Services Corp. for $49,479 over two years for its Central…
Ritz-Carlton senior vice president Bruce Himelstein to visit Newhouse School April 2
Ritz-Carlton senior vice president Bruce Himelstein to visit Newhouse School April 2March 12, 2009Wendy S. Loughlinwsloughl@syr.edu Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications will host Bruce Himelstein, senior vice president of sales and marketing for The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Co.,…
JPMorgan Chase Art Program director to speak March 17
JPMorgan Chase Art Program director to speak March 17March 12, 2009Erica Blustesblust@syr.edu The painting program in the School of Art and Design in Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) will present the talk “In the Company of…
‘Civic Space in Scattered Cities’ symposium explores urban sprawl in contemporary Europe
‘Civic Space in Scattered Cities’ symposium explores urban sprawl in contemporary EuropeMarch 12, 2009Mary Kate O’Brienmcobrien@syr.edu The School of Architecture at Syracuse University in Florence and the Observatory on Architecture of the Targetti Foundation, in collaboration with Istituto degli Innocenti…
Phi Beta Delta international honor society to induct 140 new members
Phi Beta Delta international honor society to induct 140 new membersMarch 12, 2009Matthew R. Snydermrsnyder@syr.edu Syracuse University will induct 140 new members into the Alpha Sigma chapter of the Phi Beta Delta international honor society on Wednesday, March 18. The…