Syracuse Stage to present ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’
Syracuse Stage to present ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’March 16, 2009Patrick Finlonstagepr@syr.edu The story is simplicity itself. A young girl, alive to everything around her and awakening within her, with hopes and dreams of the life she may one day…
World-renowned oceanographer, photographer Robert Ballard to speak in final presentation of University Lectures 2008-09 season
Kelly Homan Rodoski(315) 443-3784 World-renowned oceanographer and photographer Robert Ballard has unlocked numerous fascinating secrets deep on the ocean floor during his long and accomplished career. He will share those discoveries and his experiences in a University Lectures presentation at…
Christopher Sedore named vice president for information technology and chief information officer
Sara Miller(315) 443-9038 Christopher Sedore has been named vice president for information technology and chief information officer at Syracuse University, as announced by Vice Chancellor and Provost Eric F. Spina. Sedore has most recently served as interim vice president for…
JPMorgan Chase & Co. technologist Eric Mize to speak on key wide area networking technologies March 18
JPMorgan Chase & Co. technologist Eric Mize to speak on key wide area networking technologies March 18March 16, 2009Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu The JPMorgan Chase & Co. 2009 Spring Speaker Series at Syracuse University continues on Wednesday, March 18, with Eric…
Five Syracuse University students named 2009 Engagement Fellows
Jemeli Tanui(315) 443-5172 Five Syracuse University seniors will continue pursuing Scholarship in Action in Central New York after graduation as recipients of the first-ever SU Engagement Fellowships, a yearlong program supported by the Kauffman Foundation that contributes to paid employment…
SU announces ‘Irish Today, Green Forever’ program to promote recycling, reduce bottled water consumption
Melissa Cadwell(315) 443-9669 On Tuesday, March 17, Syracuse University’s Office of Residence Life, Residence Hall Association and Sustainability Division will launch the “Irish Today, Green Forever” program, designed to increase the sustainable behavior of the on-campus student population by increasing…
Iconic librarian Nancy Pearl to teach at Syracuse iSchool’s 2009 Regnier Summer Institute
Margaret Spillett(315) 443-1069 Author and nationally known library advocate Nancy Pearl will teach the five-day, two- credit course “Adult Services in the Public Library” from July 27-31 on the Syracuse University campus. The course is part of the 2009 Regnier…
Five Syracuse University students named 2009 Engagement Fellows, will remain in Syracuse after graduation to work on community sustainable development projects
Five Syracuse University students named 2009 Engagement Fellows, will remain in Syracuse after graduation to work on community sustainable development projectsMarch 16, 2009Jemeli Tanuijetanui@syr.edu Five Syracuse University seniors will continue pursuing Scholarship in Action in Central New York after graduation…
Documentary on the wrongful conviction of Roy A. Brown to be screened April 7 in Newhouse 3
Documentary on the wrongful conviction of Roy A. Brown to be screened April 7 in Newhouse 3March 16, 2009Jaclyn D. Grossojgrosso@law.syr.edu The story of Roy A. Brown’s conviction for a murder he didn’t commit will be retold in the documentary…
Food and fun to be featured at film party
Food and fun to be featured at film partyMarch 16, 2009Christine Fawcett-Shapiroinfo@syrfilm.com Can’t travel to Italy for pasta? Then do the next best thing and spend the evening with Rita Grimaldi and Italian cinematographer Stefano Coletta. On Sunday, March 22,…