Award-winning filmmaker Keith Beauchamp to speak on ‘Murder in Black and White: Unsolved Civil Rights Murders’ April 6
Award-winning filmmaker Keith Beauchamp to speak on ‘Murder in Black and White: Unsolved Civil Rights Murders’ April 6March 31, 2009Erica Blustesblust@syr.edu The Department of Communication and Rhetorical Studies in Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) will present…
Syracuse University graduate student uses education as a tool to rebuild African communities
Syracuse University graduate student uses education as a tool to rebuild African communities March 31, 2009Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Fifteen years ago, David Mwambari was a normal 13-year-old, anticipating his weeklong Easter break from school in his hometown, Butare, Rwanda. War had…
Renowned art historian, photographer Deborah Willis will talk about how photographs capture history on April 8
Renowned art historian, photographer Deborah Willis will talk about how photographs capture history on April 8March 31, 2009Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu Deborah Willis, one of the nation’s leading historians of African American photography and curator of African American culture, will visit…
Renowned speaker, exhibition to help remember Syracuse’s 15th Ward April 16
Renowned speaker, exhibition to help remember Syracuse’s 15th Ward April 16March 31, 2009Erica Blustesblust@syr.edu Renowned speaker Mindy Fullilove, author of “Root Shock: How Tearing Up City Neighborhoods Hurts America, and What We Can Do About It” (One World/Ballantine, 2004) will…
STYLE.COM fashion director Candy Pratts Price to speak at SU’s Newhouse School April 6
STYLE.COM fashion director Candy Pratts Price to speak at SU’s Newhouse School April 6March 31, 2009Wendy S. Loughlinwsloughl@syr.edu Candy Pratts Price, executive fashion director of STYLE.COM, will speak at Syracuse University’s Newhouse School on Monday, April 6, at 2 p.m….
Newhouse School to hold Media Literacy Day for local sixth-graders April 3
Newhouse School to hold Media Literacy Day for local sixth-graders April 3March 30, 2009Wendy S. Loughlinwsloughl@syr.edu On Friday, April 3, 89 sixth-graders from Edward Smith Elementary School in Syracuse will visit the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications to participate…
Whitman School celebrates 6th anniversary of school naming
Whitman School celebrates 6th anniversary of school namingMarch 30, 2009Amy Schmitzaemehrin@syr.edu The Martin J. Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University will celebrate its sixth annual “Whitman Day” on Tuesday, April 7. The day will be full of activities to…
Fourth Annual Charity Sports Auction is Thursday, featuring former MLB pitcher Jim Abbott and book signing by NBA super agent David Falk
Fourth Annual Charity Sports Auction is Thursday, featuring former MLB pitcher Jim Abbott and book signing by NBA super agent David FalkMarch 30, 2009Michele Barrettmibarret@syr.edu The Fourth Annual Charity Sports Auction, presented by Syracuse University’s Sport Management Club, will take…
Houston Chronicle legal reporter to speak April 13 on reporting and blogging from court as part of IJPM lecture series
Houston Chronicle legal reporter to speak April 13 on reporting and blogging from court as part of IJPM lecture seriesMarch 30, 2009Jaime Winne Alvarez jlwinne@syr.edu On Monday, April 13, Houston Chronicle legal reporter Mary Flood will present “The Important vs….
Student work from Skytop Art Workshops for Children on view in ‘The Big Show’ April 4
Student work from Skytop Art Workshops for Children on view in ‘The Big Show’ April 4March 30, 2009Erica Blustesblust@syr.edu Student work from the Skytop Art Workshops for Children, an offering of the art education program in Syracuse University’s College of…