Three Maxwell faculty members receive awards
Three Maxwell faculty members receive awardsApril 30, 2009Jill Leonhardtjlleonha@maxwell.syr.edu The Maxwell School of Syracuse University has announced three faculty awards, including the newly established Dr. Walter Montgomery and Marian Gruber Professor of History.History professor Dennis Romano will become the inaugural…
Thirty-five students selected as Syracuse University’s 2009-10 Remembrance Scholars
Thirty-five students selected as Syracuse University’s 2009-10 Remembrance ScholarsApril 30, 2009Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu Syracuse University’s Remembrance Scholar Committee has chosen the 35 students who will be the 2009-10 Remembrance Scholars. The scholarships were founded as a tribute to-and means of…
Updated information offered on security procedures, degree candidate entry and parking for May 10 SU/SUNY-ESF Commencement
Updated information offered on security procedures, degree candidate entry and parking for May 10 SU/SUNY-ESF CommencementApril 30, 2009Jaime Winne Alvarez jlwinne@syr.edu On Sunday, May 10, Syracuse University and the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY-ESF) will hold joint…
VPA’s DuBois to offer emotional examination of family relations in upcoming photography monograph
VPA’s DuBois to offer emotional examination of family relations in upcoming photography monographApril 30, 2009Erica Blustesblust@syr.edu Doug DuBois began photographing his family in 1984, prior to his father’s near-fatal fall from a commuter train and his mother’s subsequent breakdown and…
Newhouse School to host Mirror Awards luncheon June 9 in New York City
Newhouse School to host Mirror Awards luncheon June 9 in New York CityApril 30, 2009Wendy S. Loughlinwsloughl@syr.edu The media’s top writers, readers and leaders will gather to honor winners in the third annual Mirror Awards competition on Tuesday, June 9,…
Mountain Goat Run on Sunday will affect traffic flow
Mountain Goat Run on Sunday will affect traffic flowApril 30, 2009SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu The YMCA Mountain Goat Run will be held on Sunday, May 3. The following streets in the University area will be affected; changes may impact vehicular traffic:…
Soon-to-be graduates encouraged to participate in 2009 Senior Class Giving campaign
Soon-to-be graduates encouraged to participate in 2009 Senior Class Giving campaign April 30, 2009Veronica Hotalingvhotalin@syr.edu As this year’s seniors prepare for Commencement, the Class Council of 2009 is reminding students that there is still time to give to the 2009…
Professors Lui, Moon named recipients of 2009 L.C. Smith Award for Faculty Excellence
Professors Lui, Moon named recipients of 2009 L.C. Smith Award for Faculty ExcellenceApril 29, 2009Tricia Hopkinsthopkins@syr.edu Professors Eric Lui and Young Moon both have visions for enhancing the learning experience for students in Syracuse University’s L.C. Smith College of Engineering…
Imagining America announces 2009 grant recipients
Imagining America announces 2009 grant recipientsApril 29, 2009Jemeli Tanuijetanui@syr.edu Several Syracuse University professors will receive grants from Imagining America: Artists and Scholars in Public Life to help their creation of new course work or expansion of existing classes that emphasize…
Commencement 2009 — SU’s 155th Commencement exercises May 10
Commencement 2009 — SU’s 155th Commencement exercises May 10April 29, 2009Jaime Winne Alvarez jlwinne@syr.edu In its 155th Commencement, Syracuse University will celebrate the graduation of 3,165 bachelor’s, 1,570 master’s and 140 doctoral degree candidates. In addition, 138 certificates of advanced…