Student Affairs appoints Tucker, Solomon to leading roles
Carol K. Masiclat(315) 443-8568 The Division of Student Affairs has announced new roles for Seth A. Tucker, director of the Office of Student Assistance and Crisis Support and Management, and Sarah Solomon, assistant director and case manager. Tucker and Solomon…
New book by SU School of Education’s George Theoharis explores keys to effective school leadership
New book by SU School of Education’s George Theoharis explores keys to effective school leadershipMay 14, 2009Patrick Farrellpmfarrel@syr.edu In his latest book, “The School Leaders Our Children Deserve: Seven Keys to Equity, Social Justice and School Reform” (Teachers College Press,…
SU STEP team wins high school Science Bowl Civility Award at this year’s U.S. Department of Energy National Science Bowl
SU STEP team wins high school Science Bowl Civility Award at this year’s U.S. Department of Energy National Science BowlMay 14, 2009Patrick Farrellpmfarrel@syr.edu A team of high school students in the Syracuse University-sponsored Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP) won…
Student Affairs appoints Tucker, Solomon to leading roles in SU Office of Student Assistance
Student Affairs appoints Tucker, Solomon to leading roles in SU Office of Student AssistanceMay 14, 2009Carol K. Masiclatclkim@syr.edu The Division of Student Affairs has announced new roles for Seth A. Tucker, director of the Office of Student Assistance and Crisis…
La Casita’s ‘Immigrant’ forum to focus on immigrant issues, experiences and culture Thursday, May 14
La Casita’s ‘Immigrant’ forum to focus on immigrant issues, experiences and culture Thursday, May 14May 13, 2009Jemeli Tanuijetanui@syr.edu Have you or a relative, friend and/or colleague ever had an encounter with U.S. Border Patrol officers? Have you faced detention? Do…
Symposium journal keeps SU on world literatures map
Rob Enslin(315) 443-3403 What do modernity, multimedia and morality have in common? They constitute more than a dozen topics addressed in the latest issue of Symposium (Heldref Publications, 2009), a quarterly journal edited by members of the Department of Languages,…
Arianna Huffington to be honored at Mirror Awards luncheon June 9
Wendy S. Loughlin(315) 443-2785 Arianna Huffington will receive the Fred Dressler Lifetime Achievement Award and the Obama for America New Media Department/Blue State Digital will receive the i-3 award for impact, innovation and influence from Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School…
SU’s COMTEK hosts food and wine pairing May 14
SU’s COMTEK hosts food and wine pairing May 14 May 12, 2009Amy Schmitzaemehrin@syr.edu Syracuse University’s Community Test Kitchen (COMTEK) at the South Side Innovation Center (SSIC) will hold a special food and wine pairing on May 14, starting at 5:30…
Arianna Huffington, Obama for America New Media Department/Blue State Digital to be honored at Mirror Awards luncheon June 9
Arianna Huffington, Obama for America New Media Department/Blue State Digital to be honored at Mirror Awards luncheon June 9May 12, 2009Wendy S. Loughlinwsloughl@syr.edu Arianna Huffington will receive the Fred Dressler Lifetime Achievement Award and the Obama for America New Media…
Commencement 2009 photo gallery
Commencement 2009 photo galleryMay 11, 2009SU News ServicesSUnews@syr.edu