Events Scheduled for SU’s Annual Asian Pacific Heritage Month
In honor of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, Syracuse University’s Office of Multicultural Affairs, within the Division of Student Affairs, is hosting a series of events in April in collaboration with campus departments and student organizations. The month-long celebration officially…
ESPN Coordinating Director of Music to Speak April 2
Claude A. Mitchell Jr. ’88, the coordinating director of music at ESPN, will present a lecture on Tuesday, April 2, at 6:30 p.m. in the Lender Auditorium, located on the concourse level of the Martin J. Whitman School of Management….
Award-Winning Playwright David Henry Hwang Discusses Identity in Next University Lecture April 4
Over his long and illustrious career, Tony Award-winning playwright David Henry Hwang has masterfully brought complicated characters, relationships and issues to life on stage—from Rene Gallimard and Song Liling in “M. Butterfly,” to an early 20th century Chinese family facing…
Lutheran Campus Ministry presents ‘Laugh in Peace Comedy Tour’ April 19
The Lutheran Campus Ministry at Syracuse University’s Hendricks Chapel will present a Stand-Up Comedy Night as part of the nationally acclaimed “Laugh in Peace Comedy Tour” on Friday, April 19. It will be the signature event of the 100th anniversary…
Monday Memorial Service Planned to Celebrate Life of Maxwell Alumna Rachel Horlings
A memorial service celebrating the life of Rachel Horlings Ph.D ’11 will be held on Monday, April 1, at 3 p.m. in Hendricks Chapel. The University community is welcome to attend. Parking will be available in the Irving Garage. A…
SU Hosts National Poetry Month with Tony Award-Winning Poets
Spoken-word enthusiasts will want to save the first weekend in April to fuel their art and passion. Syracuse University’s Office of Multicultural Affairs spoken word poetry program, Verbal Blend, and Nu Rho Poetic Society are hosting two seven-time Tony Award-winning…
Activist John Prendergast to Continue Conversation on Human Rights in Africa April 8
In September 2012, five people from the Congo—survivors and refugees from the Congolese civil war—captivated audiences at Syracuse Stage with their searing portrayals of their struggles to leave the past behind and form a new, peaceful community in Central New…
Humanities Center Hosts Poet Jesse Nissim April 4
Nissim known for “innovative original language” The Faculty Fellow Series of The Syracuse University Humanities Center continues with a poetry reading by Jesse Nissim. A faculty fellow in the humanities, she will read original selections on Thursday, April 4, at…
‘Psychic Geographies’ to Debut at UVP Everson April 11
Urban Video Project and Light Work have announced the exhibition of the group show “Psychic Geographies” at UVP Everson from April 11-June 1. This will be the first time that UVP has mounted a group show, and it will feature five video pieces running continuously each night of the show. The show was curated by Anneka Herre.
Holocaust Survivor to Be Honored with Tolley Medal
Holocaust survivor Naomi Warren of Houston will be honored with the William Pearson Tolley Medal for Distinguished Leadership in Life Long Learning at a private gathering on April 7 at Syracuse University. Naomi Warren is the inspiration for the Syracuse…