Syracuse University professor wins prestigious young faculty award from the National Science Foundation
Syracuse University professor wins prestigious young faculty award from the National Science FoundationJanuary 26, 2001Jonathan Hayjhay@syr.edu In her first two years at Syracuse University, Andria Costello has already made her mark at the L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer…
Renowned policy analyst and education historian Diane Ravitch will speak at The Maxwell School of Syracuse University as part of the State of Democracy Lecture Series
Renowned policy analyst and education historian Diane Ravitch will speak at The Maxwell School of Syracuse University as part of the State of Democracy Lecture SeriesJanuary 26, 2001Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu Diane Ravitch, Brown Chair in Education Studies at the Brookings…
Graduate education is the topic of Jan. 26 presentation
Graduate education is the topic of Jan. 26 presentationJanuary 26, 2001Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu George Walker, vice president for research and dean of the Graduate School at Indiana University, will present “The Role of Future Faculty Programs in Graduate Education,” from 4:30…
Service Learning Certificate Program, residential learning community among endeavors SU’s Center for Public and Community Service plans to undertake
Service Learning Certificate Program, residential learning community among endeavors SU’s Center for Public and Community Service plans to undertakeJanuary 20, 2001Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu The Center for Public and Community Service (CPCS) has launched an ambitious, two-year initiative designed to significantly increase…
The Maxwell School of Syracuse University awarded $8.7 million Department of Defense training contract
The Maxwell School of Syracuse University awarded $8.7 million Department of Defense training contractJanuary 20, 2001Jill Leonhardtjlleonha@maxwell.syr.edu National Security Studies program for senior military and civilian executives wins five-year extension The Maxwell School of Syracuse University has been awarded a…
Syracuse University visiting professor will speak on Hamlet in Jan. 22 presentation
Syracuse University visiting professor will speak on Hamlet in Jan. 22 presentationJanuary 20, 2001Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Stephen Greenblatt, the Harry Levin Professor of Literature at Harvard University, will present “Hamlet in Purgatory” at 6 p.m. Jan. 22 in the Kilian Room,…
RPI professor to speak on African fractals during Jan. 25 lecture at Syracuse University
RPI professor to speak on African fractals during Jan. 25 lecture at Syracuse UniversityJanuary 20, 2001Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu The Department of African American Studies in Syracuse University’s College of Arts and Sciences and SU’s Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program…
Twenty-two academic initiatives win grants through 2001 Vision Fund program
Twenty-two academic initiatives win grants through 2001 Vision Fund programJanuary 20, 2001Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Syracuse University has awarded Vision Fund grants to 22 newacademic initiatives for the year 2001 funding cycle. The Vision Fund programwas established in 1998 to stimulate innovative…
Basketball + Blankets = Help for the Homeless
Basketball + Blankets = Help for the HomelessJanuary 19, 2001Judy Holmesjlholmes@syr.edu Students Offering Service, SU women’s basketball team, campus groups mount blank drive. There’s nothing better than snuggling under a warm blanket with a hot cup of cocoa on a…
Diversity training program seeks student participants
Diversity training program seeks student participantsJanuary 19, 2001Kelly Homan Rodoskikahoman@syr.edu The developers of a training program to help students increase their diversity skills and learn ways to address diversity issues on campus and in society are seeking program participants. Cynthia…