Fulbright Scholar Debi Fry to study how a new health care policy is affecting women in rural Bangladesh
Fulbright Scholar Debi Fry to study how a new health care policy is affecting women in rural BangladeshJuly 10, 2001 One of Debi Fry’s priorities this summer is to learn to speak Bengali. The recipient of a 2001 Fulbright Student…
Recent SU master’s degree recipient awarded Fulbright Scholarship to research, write in Finland
Recent SU master’s degree recipient awarded Fulbright Scholarship to research, write in FinlandJuly 10, 2001 Writer Maile Chapman G’01, a Tacoma, Wash., native and recent graduate of Syracuse University’s graduate program in creative writing, has received a 2001 Fulbright Scholarship…
News conference announces breakthrough in gay consumerism
News conference announces breakthrough in gay consumerismJuly 03, 2001Nicci Brownnicbrown@syr.edu Syracuse University will host a live news conference, with a simulcast on an interactive Web site, at 2 p.m. EST July 9 to announce the commencement of the first major…
Ware, Wells named SU senior vice presidents
Ware, Wells named SU senior vice presidentsJuly 03, 2001 Two vice presidents at Syracuse University have been designated as senior vice presidents by Chancellor Kenneth A. Shaw. As of July 1, Eleanor Ware is senior vice president for human services…
Syracuse University seeking successful conclusion to contract negotiations by June 30
Syracuse University seeking successful conclusion to contract negotiations by June 30June 28, 2001Kevin Morrowkdmorrow@syr.edu Following many weeks of productive negotiations, Syracuse University administrators believe a new union contract for some 750 SU food service, physical plant and library clerical workers…
Two win Cogeneration Scholarships to attend SU
Two win Cogeneration Scholarships to attend SUJune 25, 2001Cynthia J. Moritzcjmoritz@syr.edu Lawton J. Williams wants to become a school administrator; Danielle Campbell plans to become a high school science teacher. Both students, Syracuse residents living in the neighborhood just west…
Syrtis delivers innovative e-learning and instructional solutions
Syrtis delivers innovative e-learning and instructional solutionsJune 08, 2001Linda Kristensenlgkriste@syr.edu The formation of a new business unit named Syrtis–Syracuse University Technology-enhanced Instructional Solutions–was formally announced June 4 at a briefing on new SU initiatives in workforce education and training that…
SU Leadership Institute in Applied Research in Change serves corporations and nonprofit organizations
SU Leadership Institute in Applied Research in Change serves corporations and nonprofit organizationsJune 08, 2001Linda Kristensenlgkriste@syr.edu Syracuse University Continuing Education has established a Leadership Institute in Applied Research in Change to help corporations and nonprofit organizations address business performance issues….
Actor and community activist Edward James Olmos to speak in final installment of the Rosamond Gifford Community Exchange Forum series
Actor and community activist Edward James Olmos to speak in final installment of the Rosamond Gifford Community Exchange Forum seriesJune 07, 2001Nicci Brownnicbrown@syr.edu Actor and community activist Edward James Olmos will speak in Syracuse on June 15 for the culmination…
New book provides method to evaluate local government
New book provides method to evaluate local governmentJune 05, 2001Cynthia J. Moritzcjmoritz@syr.edu Despite much fanfare from academics and others about government performance measures, too few local governments use these tools, according to the authors of “Does Your Government Measure Up?…