Matt Cufari Receives 2022 LeRoy Apker Award from the American Physical Society
Matt Cufari, a senior physics major in the College of Arts and Sciences, a computer science major in the College of Engineering and Computer Science, a Coronat Scholar and a member of the Renée Crown University Honors Program, has been…
BioInspired Institute Research Labs Spur Graduate Student Projects
Two graduate student researchers in the BioInspired Institute research cluster were among 57 students and post-doctoral fellows presenting posters and talks at the institute’s first symposium earlier this month. We caught up with Thalma Orado, a first-year Ph.D. student in…
BioInspired Institute’s First Symposium Provides Continuing Inspiration for Research Cluster Initiative
Energy. Excitement. Enthusiasm. Opportunity. Those words convey the atmosphere evident at last week’s inaugural BioInspired Institute symposium and the sentiments of students, faculty, staff, University leaders and external stakeholders attending the event to describe the research cluster’s efforts of the…
Memory Fab Future in CNY: ‘Chips Are at the Heart of All Digital Devices’ Says ECS Professor
The semiconductor: it’s a piece of technology we often hear and read about as being high in demand and low in production since the COVID-19 pandemic began. But do people truly understand what they are and how vital they are…
CyberStart Online Gaming Tournament Returns
Are you a student who likes online games and pizza? If so, are you also curious about a career in cybersecurity? Join the ITS Information Security team for the CyberStart launch party (with pizza!) on Fri., Oct. 14, from 2:30-4:30…
NIH ESTEEMED Grant to Enhance Diversity and Elevate Undergraduate Research in Bioengineering
After a two-year process spearheaded by biomedical and chemical engineering Professor Shikha Nangia, the College of Engineering and Computer Science (ECS) bioengineering program has been awarded a National Institutes of Health Enhancing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Educational Diversity (ESTEEMED)…
A&S Physicist Awarded NSF Grant to Enhance Gravitational Wave Data Analysis
In 2015, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) observed the first detection of gravitational waves—ripples in the fabric of spacetime created by the cataclysmic collision of two black holes. The Syracuse University Gravitational Wave Group played a leading role in this…
Jason Webb G’18 Receives Virtual Reality Grant from Unity and Meta Immersive Learning
Jason Webb G ’18, an instructional analyst with ITS Online Learning Services, adjunct professor in the Newhouse School and instructor in the College of Visual and Performing Arts, recently received a “Create with VR” grant from Unity and Meta Immersive…
Mihovilovic Skanata Awarded McKnight Neuroscience Grant for Larval Fruit Fly Brain Research
An assistant professor of physics in the College of Arts and Sciences has won a prestigious McKnight Technological Innovations in Neuroscience award to advance her two-photon microscopy research on neural activity in the brains of fruit fly larvae. Mirna Mihovilovic…
BioInspired Institute Hosts Inaugural Research Symposium Oct. 7
BioInspired Institute faculty and student researchers, along with campus leaders, community biotech and biomaterials workforce innovators and institutional research partners will gather to discuss progress, celebrate discoveries and build community at the inaugural BioInspired Symposium on Friday, Oct. 7. The…