Campus & Community
Sept. 27 ‘Manufactured Landscapes’ documentary launches SUstainable CommuNitY Film Series
Here’s your chance to engage others in the campus community about regional and global problems—and enjoy dinner and a movie!
Participants needed for research study on symptoms following sports-related concussion
Student athletes between 18-30 years of age are needed to better understand the long-term symptoms that may be associated with concussion, including changes in hearing and listening skills.
Balancing the Books Program looks for volunteers
SU’s community service center is looking for Whitman students intereseted in volunteer work to apply for the Balancing the Books Financial Literacy Program.
Campus community invited to participate in nutrition consultation program
The Department of Public Health, Food Studies and Nutrition in Syracuse University’s Falk College wants to help SU and
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry students, faculty and staff, and members of the community at large, improve eating habits and promote general well-being by making healthy food choices.
Submit your name for ‘You Are Not Alone’ list
To submit your name for inclusion on this list, please e-mail by 5 PM on Wednesday, October 3rd from your e-mail accountwith the following: – Your name as you would like it to appear in the publication. (Please…
Onondaga County executive to discuss county budget at Sept. 27 TMR
The Sept. 27 session of Thursday Morning Roundtable will feature Joanne Mahoney, Onondaga County executive. Mahoney will discuss the county budget. TMR meets from 8:15-9:15 a.m. at Drumlins, 800 Nottingham Rd. Elected in November 2007, Mahoney is the first woman…
Project Brainwash: Why Reality TV Is Bad for Women
Project Brainwash: Why Reality TV Is Bad for Women (… and men, people of color, the economy, love, sex and sheer common sense!) Do you ever wonder… why reality TV frames humiliation of women as the “perfect fairy tale romance”?…
SU in the News: Friday, September 21
SU NEWS AND EVENTS COVERAGE Army News Service reported that the revamped transition assistance program (TAP) and Operation Boots to Business: From Service to Start, a pilot program launched by the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) and the…
Registration for fall Staff 2 Staff series now live
Registration for the fall Staff 2 Staff series is now available online.
SU hosts Saturday recreation program for Syracuse families
Syracuse University’s Department of Recreation Services within the Division of Student Affairs continues its long-standing tradition of opening its facilities to Syracuse families on Saturday mornings through the Neighborhood Youth Recreation Program (NYRP). Dating back to the mid 1970s, the…