Campus & Community
Meet the IDEA Connectors
Entrepreneurship is not bound by one discipline. In fact, entrepreneurial success often requires collaboration across disciplines and skill sets. In February 2012, Tory Gentes (SU ’10, Engagement Fellow 2010-11) was hired by Syracuse University as the Student Entrepreneurial Consultant. Gentes’…
Transcript of “Shifting the Global Consciousness” Panel (PDF)
Transcript of “The Rise of Democracy in the Middle East” Panel (PDF)
ROUGH DRAFT NOT VERBATIM >> Please welcome to the stage, the voices of Afghanistan. [ Applause ] [ Applause ] >> Thank you, everyone. On behalf of voices of Afghanistan I would like to thank Sam Nappi and also university…
The Past Is Not Past: The Continuing Quest for Racial Justice and Peace
1-3 p.m. Hergenhan Auditorium Newhouse III Speakers: Ambassador Andrew Young Martin Luther King, III Professor Linda Carty, SU Dept. of African American Studies Professor Janis McDonald, SU College of Law, Cold Case Justice Initiative Professor Paula Johnson, SU College of…
Audio: Concert promoter prepares for historic show
Interview with Mark Emery, spokesperson for World Harmony Productions. Audio may be used by media. [ca_audio url=”″ width=”500″ height=”27″ css_class=”codeart-google-mp3-player”] Listen
Call for nominations for the Chancellor’s Citations for Excellence
The Chancellor’s Citation for Excellence seeks to recognize enactment of Education for the World—in the World, through which we prepare students for the world by embedding their learning in the midst of community and the pressing issues of the day…
We need your bra!
As you all may know October is Breast Cancer Awareness month! The ladies of The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Club Inc., in collaboration with Rebecca Lee Pre-health Society, will be making a Bra Chain. A Bra…
SU Sport Management Club’s Eighth Annual Charity Sports Auction to be held Dec. 8
The Syracuse University Sport Management (SPM) Club will hold its Eighth Annual Charity Sports Auction on Saturday, Dec. 8, at the Carrier Dome. Silent bidding on hundreds of auction items, including sports memorabilia and hands-on experiences, electronics and tickets to…
M.S. in Sport Venue & Event Management information session to be held Oct. 19
Syracuse University faculty and staff will welcome potential graduate students interested in the Falk College’s newest graduate program—the M.S. in sport venue and event management—during a special Fall Information Session on Friday, Oct. 19. Parking is available in the Irving…
Evacuation drill schedule – Fall 2012
Due to recent developments, the academic and administrative building evacuation drills scheduled for the week of Oct. 8 will be rescheduled during the week of Nov. 5. The schedule will be posted the week of October 29. If you have…