Campus & Community
Intersession Recreation Facility Hours
The Intersession Recreation Facility schedule is available at Contact Person: Joseph Lore,
SU in the News: Tuesday, April 30
[View the story “SU in the News: Tuesday, April 30” on Storify]
OTN Named Best On-Campus TV Station at New York Festivals
In a first for Syracuse University’s Orange Television Network, it was named a finalist in the Best On-Campus Television Station category at the New York Festivals International Film & Television Awards. The awards ceremony took place on April 9 at the…
Finals Hours for Schine and Goldstein Student Centers
Schine Student Center Finals Hours May 1-9 Building Hours Wednesday 5/1 – Friday 5/3 7:30 a.m.-midnight Saturday 5/4 & Sunday 5/5 11 a.m.-midnight Monday 5/6 – Wednesday 5/8 7:30 a.m.-midnight Thursday 5/9 7:30 a.m.-8 p.m. Syracuse University Bookstore Hours Wednesday…
SU in the News: Monday, April 29
[View the story “SU in the News: Monday, April 29” on Storify]
Video: Cardboard Campout Highlights Plight of Homeless
Students enrolled in SPM 101, “Personal and Social Responsibility,” learned what responsibility to community means by camping out overnight in cardboard boxes. This video explains why. Cardboard Cutout for the Rescue Mission from Syracuse University News on Vimeo.
SU in the News: Friday, April 26
[View the story “SU in the News: Friday, April 26” on Storify]
Sustainability Tours for SU Faculty: Get to Know Your Ecosystem
How well do you really know the place where we live and work? Here’s a chance to explore some of the vital systems we take for granted, to get a behind-the-scenes look at how they function, to meet local experts…
Spring Cleanup in the Rain Garden
The Waverly Rain Garden works hard to capture rain water and keep it out of our overloaded storm drain system, while also adding some special beauty to campus. Please come give it a little TLC in return. Take a break…
Summer Institute Courses at the iSchool
The School of Information Studies (iSchool) is offering the Helen Benning Regnier Summer Institute on Leadership and Change in an Information Society this summer from May 13–Aug.9. Course offerings cover fundamental library science, information management and network technology issues that…