Campus & Community
Syracuse University in the News: Wednesday, June 4
[View the story “Syracuse University in the News: Wednesday, June 4” on Storify]
Syracuse University in the News: Monday, June 2
[View the story “Syracuse University in the News: Monday, June 2” on Storify]
Participate in a Hearing Research Study
The Hearing Lab at Syracuse University is looking for participants 45 – 69 years of age who are having trouble hearing and think they may have some hearing loss. You will be paid $10 per hour. The study will take…
First of Four Friday Night Flicks Scheduled
“Need for Speed” is scheduled for Friday, June 6 beginning at 9 p.m. on the Quad and is the first of four Friday Night Flicks scheduled this summer. Syracuse University employees, registered students and family members are welcome. The events…
Syracuse University in the News: Friday, May 30
[View the story “Syracuse University in the News: Friday, May 30” on Storify]
Registration Open for Youth Soccer Summer Camps
The University’s women’s coaching staff is offering their 2014 youth soccer camp at the University Soccer Stadium July 14-18. It is open for boys and girls ages 5-13. The first part of the camp is devoted to coaching, with the…
Artisanal Furniture Social Enterprise Launches on the Near West Side
Salt Works, a new social enterprise employing graduates of a local construction training program in the creation of artisanal furniture, will hold an official launch tonight from 5-7:30 p.m. at the headquarters of King + King Architects, 358 W. Jefferson…
Syracuse University in the News: Wednesday, May 28
[View the story “Syracuse University in the News: Wednesday, May 28” on Storify]
Newhouse Professor and Students Help High Schoolers Produce Documentary
Five Fowler High School students have produced a documentary working with Newhouse Professor Richard Breyer and his University students. The students’ film will debut at 6 p.m. Monday, June 9, in the Fowler High School Auditorium, 227 Magnolia St. This…
Consider Zimride Before Renewing Parking Permits
Parking permit renewal time is a good time to consider starting or joining a carpool. Carpooling—two or more University employees who commute to work together—allows individuals to share driving responsibilities, lowers the cost of commuting and parking, and reduces parking…