Campus & Community
‘Cuse Cast for week of Sept. 28
Aarick Knighton ’16 anchors this week’s edition of the ‘Cuse Cast. We feature a video recap of our top stories around campus, brought to you by our talented students. Cuse Cast for week of Sept 28
Evacuation Drills Scheduled
Fire and Life Safety Services (FLSS) will conduct the fall 2015 evacuation drills in academic and administrative buildings from Oct. 5-9. The building drills will be conducted in the morning between 9:30- 11:30 a.m. or in the afternoon/evening between 1:30-9…
South Side Innovation Center Awarded Outstanding Program Performance and Achievement
The South Side Innovation Center (SSIC), a program of the Martin J. Whitman School of Management, received an award at the New York State Entrepreneurial Assistance Program (EAP) Annual Conference. On Aug. 20, the SSIC was presented with the 2015…
Unsung Hero Awards Nominations Sought
Do you know individuals in the Central New York community who have made a positive difference in the lives of others, but who are not widely recognized for their efforts? Syracuse University is seeking nominations for the 2016 Martin Luther…
Libraries to Host Series on Accessibility in Museums, Libraries
The Syracuse University Libraries will host a three-part webinar series on accessibility, organized by the American Alliance of Museums, in collaboration with the Coalition to Advance Learning in Archives, Libraries and Museums. Called Stories of Inclusion: Inclusive Practices at Cultural…
Thursday Morning Roundtable Celebrates 50 Years of Civic Engagement
Thursday Morning Roundtable (TMR) will celebrate 50 years of service to the Central New York community at a breakfast on Wednesday, Oct. 14, at Drumlins, 800 Nottingham Road, Syracuse. Charles Blow, an op-ed columnist for the New York Times and…
DPS Ranked #6 in Top 25 University Departments Contributing to Student Safety
The Department of Public Safety was ranked at number six in the National Campus Safety Summit’s 2015 list of Top 25 university administrative departments making a difference in student safety. The ranking came as the result of a nomination detailing…
SU in the News: Friday, September 25
The following stories mention Syracuse University or quote one of our faculty, students or staff [View the story “SU in the News: Friday, September 25” on Storify]
Deadline Approaching for Mobile Device Evaluation and Transition
As previously announced, the University adopted a new Telecommunications and Mobile Devices Policy and has been working toward compliance and transitioning users ahead of the Sept. 30 deadline. The new policy named AT&T the preferred cellular provider and seeks to…
Blackboard Faculty Day is Oct. 9
Information Technology Services invites all faculty to attend the University’s Blackboard Faculty Day on Friday, Oct. 9, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in 304 Schine Student Center. This day-long event is designed specifically for Syracuse University and SUNY College…