Campus & Community
‘Take Back The Night’ Official Endorser Request Deadline Is Feb. 26
Each year, Syracuse University recognizes and participates in Take Back The Night (TBTN), a global event dedicated to raising awareness about sexual, relationship and domestic violence, and other forms of interpersonal violence. This year, the event is at 7 p.m….
Health Ambassador Team Seeking Volunteers
The Health Ambassadors are seeking engaged, passionate students to join their team of volunteers this Spring 2021 semester. The Health Ambassadors uphold the Stay Safe Pledge on campus and work to educate the campus community about COVID-19 best practices. Participation…
Message From Chancellor Kent Syverud
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff: A short time ago, you received a message from former U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Ms. Lynch and her colleagues from the Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison law firm have completed their independent review…
Message From Loretta E. Lynch
Dear Members of the Syracuse University Community: I write to share with you the report [PDF] that my team and I have drafted in connection with our independent review of the Syracuse University Department of Public Safety (DPS). In our…
Frequently Asked Questions About Weekly Surveillance Testing
Dear Students: Over the last few days, we have received specific questions from many of you about the mandatory weekly testing program, when to test and who is subject to weekly testing. To provide further guidance on the weekly testing…
New State Policy for Going ‘On Pause’: Enhanced Preventative Measures and Enforcement Remain in Effect
Dear Students, Families, Faculty and Staff: A short time ago, New York State Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced a significant change in policy that will impact our campus community. The governor announced that colleges and universities testing at least 25 percent…
COVID-19 Update: Reporting Violations | Accurate Testing | Latest Mask Guidance
Dear Students, Families, Faculty and Staff: Today we complete the second week of the spring semester. The news is mixed. The good news is that here in Onondaga County, COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths are generally trending down. Further, most…
Activities for the Weekend of Feb. 18-21: Get Involved, Stay Safe, Have Fun!
Dear Students and Families: As we head into another weekend, I am reaching out to remind you of all the great activities happening on and around campus this weekend. Many of your fellow students, as well as members from the…
Syracuse University Named as One of Top Fulbright Award Producing Institutions in the US for 2020-21
Syracuse University has been included on the list of U.S. colleges and universities (doctoral institutions) that produced the most 2020-21 Fulbright U.S. students. The announcement is made annually by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs…
The Lender Center for Social Justice Seeks Applications for Next Faculty Fellow
The Lender Center for Social Justice is seeking applications for its 2021-2023 faculty fellow. The deadline for the next round of applications has been extended to Thursday, Apr. 1 at 5 p.m. The Lender Faculty Fellowship will support a two-year research…