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In The News: Tuesday, Aug. 2
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British Investors Stand to Lose Out on Big Beer Money
As AB InBev edges closer to acquiring SABMiller, fall-out from Brexit threatens share value. In what will become one the top five merger and acquisitions ever, the deal brings together two global beer giants. Tom Barkley, professor of finance practice…
New Research Unveils how Former Presidential Candidates Failed to Harness Social Media
Jerry Robinson, a PhD candidate at the School of Information Studies (iSchool) and researcher with Illuminating 2016, a new project at the iSchool’s Center for Computational and Data Sciences ,tracking the Twitter and Facebook feeds of active presidential campaigns, writes…
Paul, Veley Comment on New Sports Analytics Program
In an article in the New York Post, professors Rodney Paul and Michael Veley talked about Falk College’s newly offered Sports Analytics major. When classes open in the Fall of 2017, the major will become the first of its type…
Following the Sit-In at the House of Representatives: Social Media as the new Democratizing Media
iSchool Associate Professor Jennifer Stromer-Galley and social media researcher offers insight in the unprecedented use of social media during the sit-in at the House of Representatives. “C-SPAN was a cable-era innovation meant to further democratize the political establishment by letting…
Countdown to Brexit: Impacts on the Economy
British citizens have a weighty decision this week. Stay in or leave the European Union (EU), the economic and political union composed of 28 European countries that they have been part of for decades. Tom Barkley, a British citizen and professor…
Russia’s track and field team banned from the Olympics: “An Enormous Setback”
Professor of Sport Management at Syracuse University’s Falk College Rick Burton reacts to the news that the Russian track and field team has been banned from competing in the 2016 summer Olympics. Burton is the former chief marketing officer for…
“The political obstacles to tighter regulation of firearms are enormous”
Associate Professor Thomas Keck, the Michael O. Sawyer Chair of Constitutional Law and Politics at the Maxwell School, offers insight on gun laws following the shooting at a popular gay nightclub in Orlando, FL., resulting in 49 deaths making it the deadliest…
Syracuse Will Lead Nation, Offer Sports Analytics Degree
Syracuse University will make history in the Fall of 2017 when it offers that nation’s first ever Sports Analytics program. The major will be offered in the Falk College. The idea of analytics in sports was popularized widely following “Moneyball,”…
The Problem with Super-Delegates
Grant Reeher, Professor of Political Science at Maxwell School at Syracuse University, Director of the Alan K. Campbell Public Affairs Institute, and Host of the Campbell Conversations on WRVO, said the super-delegate count only matters when they vote in the convention. “The media…