All Media Coverage
Patrick Penfield Quoted in CNYCentral Story on How Hurricane Harvey Impacts Gas Prices
Despite doing the worst damage in Texas, Hurricane Harvey also touched many others around the nation and in Central New York- by increasing gas prices. Whitman Professor of Supply Chain Practice Patrick Penfield spoke with CNYCentral about this correlation. “The…
“Houston, and much of the Gulf Coast is living on borrowed time”
Laura Steinberg is a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Syracuse University and a researcher on environmental disasters’ effect on infrastructure, including the impact of climate change on both. Steinberg lived through Hurricane Katrina and is available to discuss…
Professor Murrett talks to Politico about North Korea
Robert Murrett, public administration and international affairs professor of practice and INSCT deputy director, was quoted in a Politico article titled “Trump’s tough talk does little to deter North Korea.”
Princess Diana Conspiracies Remain Alive and Well
Just last week was the 20th anniversary of the infamous car crash that killed Princess Diana. While many take this at face value after all this time, others are not as easily convinced, with many conspiracy theories still surrounding her…
Physics Professor Eric Schiff Takes on State Fair Games
While many play the Midways Games of the State Fair for fun and prizes, Syracuse University College of Arts and Sciences Physics Professor Eric Schiff sees them as a learning opportunity- and a way to find an easier win, he…
Prof. Monmonier Examines Map Inventions in New Book
Geography Professor Mark Monmonier of the Maxwell School was heavily featured in the National Geographic article, “These are the Cleverest, Weirdest, Mapping Ideas Ever Patented.” Monmonier uncovered and engaged with over 300 map-related patents for his new book, “Patents and…
Grant Reeher talks to The Hill on President Trump’s visit to Texas after Hurricane Harvey
Maxwell School Professor Grant Reeher talked to The Hill about President Trump’s visit to Texas for his first natural disaster visit during his presidency. “He has got to go there, and he has got to go there while the problem…
Jennifer Grygiel Discusses Social Media Usage During Hurricane Harvey
As local 911 systems went down due to over usage in Houston, many in need turned to social media for help. Newhouse Professor Jennifer Grygiel spoke to the Wall Street Journal about how those residents utilized these websites to the…
Prof. Coplin Comments on Some School’s No Grades Policy
As some colleges turn away from the usual A-F grading system in favor of written reports labeling the students strengths and weaknesses, Syracuse University and Maxwell Professor William Coplin spoke with Voice of America about how this could adversely affect…
Professor Duncan Brown Quoted In Quanta Magazine
As many eyes were trained on the solar eclipse, another astronomical event took place, as Quanta Magazine detailed with comments from Syracuse University College of Arts and Sciences Physics Professor, and LIGO Scientific Collaboration member, Duncan Brown. “If you get…