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George Saunders Wins Prestigious Man Booker Prize
George Saunders, professor of English at the College of Arts and Sciences, was announced as the winner of the prestigious Man Booker Prize, a global award given to the year’s top novel. He won for his work Lincoln in the…
LIGO Discovery Sheds Light on Origin of Gold
Scientists part of the LIGO group detected a massive collision of two neutron stars millions of light years ago, they were now able to understand where heavy metals such as gold and platinum originated. For Peter Saulson, the Martin A….
Professor Duncan Brown on Major Discovery of Origins of Gold
After a team of scientists detected a collision of two neutron stars, they now know the origins of heavy metals like gold a platinum. Duncan Brown, the Charles Brightman professor of physics, talks to Newsday about this disovery. “This is…
Professor Duncan Brown on Finding a Collision of Two Neutron Stars
After a discovering a collision of neutron stars, scientists can now explain how heavy elements like gold and platinum are created. In Business Insider, Duncan Brown, the Charles Brightman professor of physics explained how this new discovery helped fuel new thinking. “Some…
Much is at Stake as Trump Travels to Asia
President Trump has a lot on the line as a scheduled trip to Asia draws closer, and tensions with North Korea increase. The week-long trip across the globe could result in many ways, and as Grant Reeher, professor of political…
Writer and Biographer David Yaffe Details Road to New Joni Mitchell Bio
It wasn’t easy, but Arts and Sciences Professor David Yaffe has recently published his biography on Joni Mitchell, entitled Reckless Daughter. The process was long, and working with Mitchell sometimes tough, as Yaffe explained in an interview for “”I’ve…
Why Weinstein Co. May Fall, While Fox News Never Did
With similar scandals coming from the men at the helm, Fox News and Weinstein Co. both found themselves at the epicenter of a national scandal. However, while Roger Ailes’ scandal never really threatened to shut down Fox News, Weinstein Co….
A Review of David Yaffe’s Newest Biography, Reckless Daughter
Following the release of Humanities Assistant Professor David Yaffe’s biography Reckless Daughter on Joni Mitchell, The Atlantic favorably reviewing the book. “In the best full-length treatment of Mitchell yet published, Yaffe follows her from her childhood in postwar Saskatchewan all the…
What is the Role of the National Guard of Iran?
After being implemented in 1979, the National Guard of Iran has continued to grow in size and power. Maxwell Professor of Political Science Mehrzad Boroujerdi talked to The Guardian about this issue. “Before the war the IRGC militiamen were nothing…
Replacing Clean Power Plan Proves Complicated, according to College of Engineering Researcher
A new study between Syracuse University and Harvard has discovered that replacing the Clean Power Plan would actually be worse than doing nothing. Professor Charles Driscoll talks to Phys. Org explaining why this is the case. “The bottom line is…