Supervised Injection Sites for Drug Users
Dessa Bergen-Cico, associate professor of public health at Falk College, has researched supervised injection sites for drug users and has offered a response to plan by the mayor of Ithaca to open such a facility: The United States is experiencing…
FBI vs Apple
Experts at Syracuse University are available to speak about issues of information security surrounding the case of the FBI ordering Apple to unlock the phone of the San Bernardino shooter. Lee Mcknight is an associate professor at Syracuse University’s School…
Boutros Boutros-Ghali and “The beginning of modern international criminal law”
Syracuse, NY… Syracuse University College of Law professors are available for comment on the passing of Boutros Boutros-Ghali, the former UN secretary general. Both professors can be reached by contacting Robert Conrad, communications director at the College of Law at…
“The nation has lost a great jurist”
Legal scholars at Syracuse University offer insight on the passing of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. All faculty members are available to comment further. Please contact Robert L. Conrad, Director of Communications at Syracuse University College of Law at 315-443-9536…
“We have just taken our first look at the Universe in a completely new way”
Syracuse, NY… Scientists in the Department of Physics at Syracuse University have been instrumental in the discovery of gravitational waves, confirming a major prediction of Albert Einstein’s 1915 general theory of relativity. They include Peter Saulson, the Martin A. Pomerantz…
The Supreme Court’s “Unprecedented Judicial Activism”
University Professor David M. Driesen, Syracuse University College of Law, offers an opinion on the Supreme Court’s ruling yesterday that put a hold on the Obama’s administration’s Clean Power Plan. “The Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling granting a stay of the…
$19 Billion for Cybersecurity: Syracuse University Professor Weighs In
On the heels of the White House announcing a Cybersecurity National Action Plan (CNAP), Syracuse University cybersecurity expert Vir V. Phoha, Professor at the College of Engineering and Computer Science, says that increased funding attention to cybersecurity is a step in the right…
New Hampshire Felt the Bern
Grant Reeher, Professor of Political Science at Maxwell School at Syracuse University, Director of the Alan K. Campbell Public Affairs Institute, and Host of the Campbell Conversations on WRVO, said that while the Republican race had a few winners and losers from last…
Are Public Attitudes Toward Football Changing
Dennis Deninger, professor of practice in sport management at Falk College and professor of practice for television, radio and film at the Newhouse School, offers insight into the rising popularity of football. Are public attitudes toward football changing? “Every December…
Political Science Professor Grant Reeher on the Iowa Caucus
Grant Reeher, Professor of Political Science at Maxwell School at Syracuse University and Director of the Alan K. Campbell Public Affairs Institute, offers insight on last night’s Iowa caucuses. “The good news for Bernie Sanders from Iowa last night is…