All Posts in #School of Information Studies
iSchool guest speaker to discuss African American blogging, ethnic identity
Lynette Kvasny will speak at the Syracuse University School of Information Studies (iSchool) at noon on Tuesday, Oct. 27.
Syracuse iSchool sponsors Professional Development Series for students
Each week representatives from the Center for Career Services come to the iSchool to give an hour-long presentation that is geared toward a specific aspect in job searching.
iSchool to host alumni career panel during 2009 Orange Central weekend
The School of Information Studies will be hosting a Homecoming Alumni Career Panel discussion and reception on Friday, Oct. 2.
New York State Librarian Bernard Margolis to visit Syracuse iSchool
New York State Librarian Bernard A. Margolis will speak at the School of Information Studies on Wednesday, Sept. 30.
Syracuse iSchool researchers improve United Nations group’s online collaboration
Researchers at Syracuse University’s Center for Research on Collaboratories and Technology Enhanced Learning Communities partnered with the United Nations Global Alliance for Information and Communication Technologies and Development to develop an online collaboration strategy.
Cecilia Aragon to speak at iSchool’s Brown Bag Presentation
A staff scientist in the Computational Research Division at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, will present “How Social Technology Facilitates Scientific Insight into Massive Data Sets.”
Medical informatics expert presents during brown bag lunch Tuesday, Sept. 8, at Syracuse iSchool
Lawrence Fagan, the co-director of the Biomedical Informatics Training Program at the Stanford University School of Medicine, will present “Future Directions in Computers and Medicine and Opportunities for Information Studies” during the Syracuse iSchool’s first Brown Bag Presentation of the year.