All Posts in #School of Education
AMC Theatres®, Autism Society to commemorate National Autism Awareness Month with nationwide theatrical run of ‘Wretches & Jabberers’
AMC Theatres (AMC), a leading theatrical exhibition and entertainment company, is partnering with the Autism Society and Area 23a, an event-based distribution company, for a unique, national theatrical run of the feature documentary “Wretches & Jabberers” to commemorate National Autism…
SU Parent Advocacy Center announces spring workshops
The Syracuse University Parent Advocacy Center (SUPAC) will host two major programs this spring to help parents and professionals better advocate for their children, both during and after their K-12 schooling, and keep informed about available options. On April 1,…
Local elementary school receives recognition for inclusive practices
Salem Hyde Elementary School in Syracuse has received a state grant and recognition as one of just 23 model schools in the state for inclusive special education. School staff and administration will celebrate their new honor with a banner-raising ceremony…
School of Education lecture series to present ‘Our Schools Suck’ March 3
The public conversation about the problems with urban schools often places the blame on students who attend those schools, focusing on youths’ poor attitudes and negative values. The latest installment in the Syracuse University School of Education‘s Landscape of Urban…
Syracuse University scientist presents new research on evolution and Islam at AAAS annual meeting
Fierce debate over teaching evolution in public schools has raged across the United States since the epic courtroom battle between William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow during the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial. Science education researchers are now turning their attention…
Science teaching faculty member wins national award for research
Jeffrey J. Rozelle, assistant professor in the Department of Science Teaching in Syracuse University’s College of Arts and Sciences, received the 2011 Outstanding Doctoral Research Award from the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST). The award was announced…
Holocaust and genocide scholar Samuel Totten to present lectures, workshops Feb. 9-10
The Regional Holocaust and Genocide Initiative: Resistance, Resilience and Responsibility, will welcome Samuel Totten to Syracuse University on Feb. 9 and 10, to participate in a series of lectures and workshops on the Holocaust and present-day genocides. On Feb. 9…
SU Project Advance explores global partnerships in Dubai
Syracuse University Project Advance (SUPA) anticipates going global in 2011, starting in the Middle East. Administrative team members Jerry Edmonds, Sari Signorelli, John Fiset and Chris Parish recently visited several Global Education Management-owned high schools in Dubai to assess their…
Payne to present SOE’s annual Harry S. and Elva K. Ganders lecture Feb. 3
The Syracuse University School of Education will present its annual Harry S. and Elva K. Ganders Lecture on Thursday, Feb. 3, featuring Charles M. Payne. The lecture, “Syracuse City, Forty Years of Urban Education Landscape: From Croton-on-Campus to the Promised…
Renowned art educator Olivia Gude to speak Feb. 1
Olivia Gude, an award-winning art educator, collaborative public artist and professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, will present a lecture on Tuesday, Feb. 1, at 6:30 p.m. in Shemin Auditorium in the Dorothea Ilgen Shaffer Art Building. The…