All Posts in #School of Education
Charles M. Payne to present annual Harry S. and Elva K. Ganders lecture
The Syracuse University School of Education will present its annual Harry S. and Elva K. Ganders Lecture on Thursday, Sept. 15, featuring Charles M. Payne. The lecture, “Syracuse City, Forty Years of Urban Education Landscape: From Croton-on-Campus to the Promised Neighborhood,”…
Gorovitz helps commemorate 9/11 with Anbar Family Lecture at Temple Adath
Samuel Gorovitz, a pioneer in the field of medical ethics and an expert on philosophy and public policy, delivers the fourth annual Anbar Family Lecture at Temple Adath Yeshurun (450 Kimber Rd., Syracuse), in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of…
Taishoff Center to host first leadership conference for college students with disabilities
The Taishoff Center for Inclusive Higher Education at Syracuse University continues to promote leadership opportunities for students with disabilities with its first national conference, “DisAbled & Proud: A Call to Lead,” to be held Aug. 5-7 on the SU campus….
Early College High School students plan path to higher education through success in academics
This summer 100 ninth and 10th graders at the Nottingham Early College High School are taking part in rigorous writing, math and science institutes led by faculty from Syracuse University’s School of Education and the Syracuse City School District. All…
Say Yes Summer Festival in Thornden Park to showcase student talent, achievement
Approximately 3,000 Syracuse City School District children, ages 7-10 who attended one of 17 Say Yes to Education Summer Camps this summer, will gather in Thornden Park on Wednesday, July 27, for the Say Yes to Education Summer Festival. Students…
Educators from across New York take part in disability workshops on SU’s campus
Program helps ensure students with disabilities access and benefit from information age While their students are on summer vacation, 105 public school librarians, general educators and special educators from across New York state are spending time in a “summer school”…
Project Advance Summer Institute begins
On June 27, Syracuse University Project Advance kicked off its annual Summer Institute training, which brings 141 high school teachers from across the Northeast and abroad to the SU campus to be trained to teach SU courses in their home…
Graduate student shares passion for science with middle school students during Science Horizons Summer Program
When Nadia Essi was selected as the only eighth-grade student from Levy Middle School to attend a science camp at Syracuse University, she was excited to learn more about a subject she had come to love. “My fifth-grade teacher, Mrs….
More than 300 college students begin training to work in Say Yes summer camps
More than 300 college students, representing 46 colleges and universities, will be on the Syracuse University campus on Monday, June 13, to train at the Say Yes Summer Institute to become summer enrichment specialists for the 2011 Say Yes to Education…
School of Education’s Dotger receives NSF award to design and test clinical simulations for the preparation of math and science teachers
Benjamin H. Dotger, assistant professor in Teaching and Leadership Programs in the School of Education, has been awarded a $449,898 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for his project titled “The Science and Mathematics Simulated Interaction Model (SIM).” The…