All Posts in #Mental Health
“Children’s mental health suffers as staffing shortages ravage care centers”
Yvonne Smith, associate professor of social work in the Falk College, was interviewed for the WFYI Public Media story “Children’s mental health suffers as staffing shortages ravage care centers.” Smith, who studies youth care practice in residential treatment centers for…
“TikTok and Instagram pull ads by mental health company that linked ADHD to obesity”
Kevin Antshel, professor of psychology and Director of Clinical Training in the College of Arts and Sciences, was interviewed for the USA Today story “TikTok and Instagram pull ads by mental health company that linked ADHD to obesity.” Antshel, an…
“Instagram and TikTok pull ads from startup Cerebral linking ADHD to obesity”
Kevin Antshel, professor of psychology and Director of Clinical Training in the College of Arts and Sciences, was interviewed for the NBC News story “Instagram and TikTok pull ads from startup Cerebral linking ADHD to obesity.” Antshel, an expert on…
Graduate Student Mental Health Workshop for Faculty Dec. 3
Even before the COVID-19 outbreak, researchers reported rates of anxiety and depression among graduate students that are substantially higher than the general population. As the pandemic has heightened anxiety and stress among graduate students, faculty are finding new challenges in…
Psychology Professor Provides Tips To Navigate Holiday Season Stress
For many families, this holiday season will be the first that loved ones are gathering together again after a socially-distanced year apart. It will bring a sense of relief for many, but for others, a return of stress and anxiety…
NIH Awards $1.95M to Study State-Level COVID Policies, Mental Health
Shannon Monnat, associate professor of sociology and Lerner Chair for Public Health Promotion, is the principal investigator for a five-year research project that will examine the impacts of state COVID-19 mitigation policies on adult psychological health, drug overdose and suicide….
Becoming Proactive Rather Than Reactive When It Comes To Mental Health
Kenneth Marfilius, visiting teaching professor in the Falk College School of Social Work, was quoted by The 19th, “I just see nothing but voids’: As combat ends, women veterans fight trauma and grief.” Marfilius discussed mental health issues among veterans and…
‘There Is Strength In Seeking Help’ Says Veterans Mental Health Advocate
On Aug. 31, the last of the American troops left Afghanistan. In an afternoon address, President Biden spoke extensively about the costs of war for American servicemembers and veterans and the lasting impacts on their mental health. Kenneth Marfilius is…
Health Resources Services Administration Grant Brings Together Professionals to Enhance Services for CNY Children and Families
Like communities across the United States, Central New York faces an acute shortage of mental health professionals, particularly those who work with children and families. The stigma of mental health issues, combined with long waits to see psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors…
Vacations—and Vacation Behaviors—Can Improve Your Heart Health
Summer is vacation season, and here’s good news about those breaks from the daily grind: They’re not only fun, they’re also good for you. Specifically, they’re good for your health, and even more specifically, your heart health. That was the…