All Posts in #Lender Center for Social Justice
Join the Lender Center Conversation: ‘Creative Activity as a Human Right’
For James Haywood Rolling Jr. ’91, the upcoming “Creative Activity as a Human Right” event is two months in the planning but decades in the making. Rolling, a dual professor of arts education in the College of Visual and Performing…
Lender Center for Social Justice Invites Applications for Co-Director
The Lender Center for Social Justice sees applicants for the co-director position. Applicants must be a full-time faculty member at Syracuse University with significant scholarly engagement in social justice-oriented work related to the Center’s vision. Applicants should have strong organization…
Food and Social Justice Advocate Avalon Gupta VerWiebe Named First Recipient of the Evan Weissman Scholarship
Avalon Gupta VerWiebe, a food studies graduate student in the Falk College, is the first to receive the Evan Weissman Scholarship, a newly created scholarship fund honoring the late Professor Weissman that supports food studies graduate students. Gupta VerWiebe’s personal…
Lender Center Fellowship Offers Students an Opportunity to ‘Work Locally, Think Globally’
About three years ago, Seyeon Lee was invited by CenterState CEO, an economic development organization in Syracuse, to help design a women’s wellness center on the North Side of the city. Lee, an associate professor of environmental and interior design…
Syracuse University Students Helping to Build Food System ‘Rooted in Social Justice and Equality’
The next big step for the newly formed Syracuse-Onondaga Food Systems Alliance (SOFSA) started, naturally, with Evan Weissman’s kindness and vision for food justice in the Syracuse community. Nel Gaudé, who was completing a master’s in food studies from the…
Lender Center for Social Justice Hosts Community Conversation on Race, Disability and Justice
The Lender Center for Social Justice, along with the Center on Disability and Inclusion and the Landscape of Urban Education Lecture Series, is bringing the community together for a broad-ranging discussion on Policed Bodies: A Community Conversation on Race, Disability…
Inaugural Lender Faculty Symposium Highlights Social Justice #Hashtag Project
The inaugural Lender Center for Social Justice Faculty Symposium was held on Thursday, March 4, in a Zoom format. The symposium is the culmination of a two-year research project by the first Lender Faculty Fellow, Casarae Abdul-Ghani. Abdul-Ghani, who is…
James Haywood Rolling Jr. Appointed Co-Director of Lender Center for Social Justice
James Haywood Rolling Jr. walked into the Museum of Modern Art in New York City wearing faded jeans, old sneakers and a backpack, just like the rest of his classmates from Cooper Union, a private college in the city. Rolling,…
Lender Center Fellows Following Weissman’s Vision for Food Justice
Stop hunger in Syracuse. In its simplest form, that was Evan Weissman’s vision and why he pursued the Lender Center Faculty Fellowship. Weissman, an associate professor in Food Studies and Nutrition in the Falk College, wanted to use the fellowship…
Lender Center for Social Justice Seeks Applicants for Student Fellows
The Lender Center for Social Justice is seeking students from all academic disciplines to apply as a 2020-22 Lender Student Fellow. The Lender Center welcomes students who are passionate about finding solutions to complex problems, and the two-year fellowships will…